Ce stade, cette infrastructure dont l’avenir pèse dans la gestion municipale. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET
L’épineux problème du devenir du stade des Costières s’invite au cœur des affaires municipales. Le point avec le premier adjoint au maire et chargé de l’urbanisme, Julien Plantier.
The new Costières stadium project was not discussed during the presentation of the Budget Orientation Report. No work will therefore be carried out in 2025 ?
We have set aside a budget line for studies. This is why, in the context of the Budget Orientation Report, since today we do not know how things will unfold, or when Nîmes Olympique will return, and I am speaking in the conditional, to the Costières stadium.
But studies had already been initiated, three scenarios defined among which you seemed to have a preference. Why yet more studies ?
The first studies have been established, we have roughly the costing of the various works, but we are still leaving a budget so that, if by chance during the year 2025, we have to consider a certain number of works, this budget can be devoted to the first preparatory parts.
Read also: Nîmes Olympique, Stade des Costières, security, 2026 municipal elections… the answers of Julien Plantier, first deputy mayor of Nîmes
What could trigger the implementation of these works? ?
If we venture, the Stade des Antonins was not no longer able to host Nîmes Olympique. The club president owns the Antonins. If tomorrow, he decides that this stadium is no longer able to host Nîmes Olympique, we must have a way out.
The future of Costières will therefore be one of the subjects of the next municipal elections. Its fate should not be settled by then ?
This will depend on various factors. There is a case before the administrative judge who must rule during the year 2025, following the appeal filed by the petitioner of the building permit application after its refusal. And behind that, we are also dependent on the will of Nîmes Olympique. From the moment we have a Stade des Antonins that belongs to the club and we are on a so-called provisional building permit, in any case, in the medium and long term, the Stade des Antonins will no longer be able to accommodate the club. This is why, from now on, we are considering different scenarios related to the club's practice.
The video of an abandoned Costières stadium, with a lawn without maintenance, has been widely circulated. What will ultimately be the future of this place? Do you want to rebuild it, raze it ?
First element, we asked the services to mow the grassy area because the image is not good. For us, the primary desire remains to consider a renovation. If only because of the costs. With always this idea of the westernmost side, polyclinic side, which could, in the long term, switch to a real estate part.
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With companies that would be interested in this real estate part ?
For now, we have not yet made any progress on the subject. There are some ideas, but nothing has been decided. We will progress in hidden time. As part of the 2025 budget, the idea is that we can make a final decision on this project by spring or before summer.
What amount of studies has been set aside?
We are on a provisional envelope of €700,000.
Which could therefore become a works envelope?
We need to see if there are possibilities for fungibility of budget credits, but it is being considered. Today, we need to find a way out of the conflict we have with the owner of Nîmes Olympique.
But what way out can we find when Rani Assaf refuses any exchange with you or Nicolas Rainville (sports assistant) ?
Whatever happens, no one will be able to ignore the City of Nîmes. Even if we feel that there is a point of no return between the current president and the City of Nîmes, the infrastructure still belongs to the City. I hear, I find it damaging that we have reached this situation, but no one will be able to do one without the other.
Do you regret having believed in this project today? ?
We are not here to know whether we should regret a certain number of facts. All the positions taken are fully assumed. It is clear, with hindsight, that there was an accumulation of decisions, concerning Nîmes Olympique and its leaders, which did not go in the right direction. I am thinking in particular of the training center, the position vis-à-vis the groups of supporters and this gap which has widened. When I see that the sale of a player from the training center (Kevin Denkey, Editor's note) brought in a significant amount, this clearly shows that this was not the decision to be made (the training center, due to operating costs and necessary work that Rani Assaf would not have wanted to assume, is no longer approved today)… But the question of the refusal of the building permit, let's be clear, is linked to a refusal by the CNAC (National Commercial Development Commission) which regulates commercial activities throughout the territory.
The announced withdrawal of the City's support for the project led by Rani Assaf may have influenced the CNAC's decision, however…
I would like to point out that I had initially made the trip to speak to the CNAC alongside the project leader when the issue of defending local businesses arose. Afterwards, the City found itself in a situation where it no longer had any concrete information on this project. But the competent authority did not justify its decision in relation to the City's withdrawal.
Read also: Future Nîmes Olympic stadium: “The refusal of the building permit is effective. I signed it” assumes Julien Plantier
In relation to this project and therefore to infrastructures that you manage and which you are left with.
The fact of having inaugurated a few days ago a sports hall, a structuring and modern facility, clearly shows that the City has been there. Take all the associations that were users of the Costières stadium and ask them to make a comparison between the past and the sports hall, everyone is unanimous in saying that this hall is a real success. Today, the City could let the situation deteriorate with the stadium, this is not the case.
Today, would the City of Nîmes still be willing to support a new major project around the Costières stadium with new buyers? ?
It all depends on the intentions. Everything is possible, but nothing is planned either. We must first see how the current situation will end. We need to see if the club president is willing to consider a sale, if people would be interested and with what intentions.
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