< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.mamiLibre.fr/api/V1/images/View/642ac8a401a96d4f4f558ded/lange/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "Do not want to d ' child n ' is not always a choice included." >Not wanting a child is not always a choice included. Pixabay – Illustration – SMPRATT90 < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" >People refusing to have children have been brought to light in recent years. S ' It is often explained by reasons related to climate change, this choice covers various considerations.
< P > Some feared a baby boom similar to that of the 2000s following successive confinements. A prognosis that has not really reflected reality. In addition to a drop in the birth rate, another trend has emerged: the absence of a child's desire. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< P > according to a survey carried out last year by the magazine < EM > it in partnership IFOP, < Strong > 30% Women of childbearing age do not want to have children. Often invoked, < Strong > The explanation of global warming is far from being the only one to put young people to have children. Several have agreed to testify and their reasons are very diverse.
< H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > Live your life < P > According to the survey mentioned above, < Strong > 48% respondents aged 18 to 49 years wish to continue to live without assuming parental responsibility. “I want to live my life for myself and not have to take care of one or more people for fifteen years until they are a little more independent,” confirms < Strong > Clara, 23 years old. < P > For her, it's clear: “Having children and enjoying life, it seems very complicated to make both.” < P Class = "Std-elt_inline" > < Strong > Read also: Too strict parental education could affect the mental health of children, according to a new study < P > Although being a parent represents a substantial mental charge, it is more his unequal distribution that worries. “In absolute terms, if I knew that my partner was going to suffer from me so that one takes care of the children as much as the other, I could consider having it,” admits, < Strong > Alexandra, 24 years old. < P > The young woman specifies the bottom of her thought: “If it is to come back from work and have to manage household chores, homework, shower, dinner and bedtime, it's not the penalty.” A well -founded concern: according to an INSEE investigation carried out in 2020 during confinement, < Strong >83% of women Living with children devoted more than 4 hours a day, against < Strong > 57% of men. < /p > < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > Gradually deconstruct < P > The question of parenting does not affect only women. Men also face it. Speaking of social codes is not always simple. < Strong > Damien, 34 years , says it: “A few months back, I was still convinced of wanting children because everyone around me was talking about it, What is my parents, my friends and even my work colleagues. < P >However, after careful thinking and having looked at several documentaries on parenting to get his own idea, he realized that being a father was “a dream but not his”. If the young generations are still struggling at < Strong > detach from the traditional family model with a dad, a mother and children, they are gradually deconstructing. < P Class = "Std-elt_inline" > < Strong > Read also: Early childhood: the places of reception in mode & quot; pop & quot; < P > Another INSEE survey also dating from 2020 supports this observation: the 5 million traditional families (composed of a married heterosexual couple) have on average less than two children, which implies that 'a number does not have one.< H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > A sometimes misunderstood choice < P >Even if not wanting a child is more and more normalized, it does not prevent this choice to be subject to debate. This wave of misunderstanding strikes women hard, for whom < Strong > the injunction to be a parent is the strongest.
< P >< Strong > Clara testifies: “When it is a female gender person, there is always social pressure. If I say that I do not Do not want children, I am taken out that I would see and that I would change my mind while not. ” Indeed, the student confirms that her choice dates back to the period of high school, where her friends were talking about what they wanted to do with their children once adults: “I did not imagine myself at all in this situation.” < P > For others, parenthood is < Strong > Source of conflict within the couple. “I was in a relationship for three years with a boy who told me about that all the time. If we separated, it's largely because of our disagreement: he wanted him more than anything father while Me, I did not envisage it at all. “, Advoust < Strong > Julie, 31 years . I subscribe to read more