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If humanity disappeared, here is the species that would dominate the world according to science

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< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "" = "Attachment-Full Size-Full WP-Post-Image" Alt = "Apocalypse" Loading = "" "Fetchprierity =" High "Decoding =" Async "srcset =" 1500W, 36 .jpg 504W, 1024W, /app/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-b4a3-1d515a7708a9-50x33.jpg 50w, B4A3-1D515A7708A9-336X224.JPG 336W, 1400W w. 680W, -FBDB-46F6-B4A3-1D515A7708A9-896x597.JPG 896W "Sizes =" (max-width: 639px) 100VW, (Max-Width: 1023px) Calc (100vw-2REM), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw - 26rem), 680px "> © Image generated by Dall-E AI for Citron Press < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" >< i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P > C ’ is in the ocean depths that life took its first steps, there are more than 3.5 billion D & Amp;#8217; years. C ’ is where the octopuses appeared, 500 million from#8217; years later; These have developed such a sophisticated biology < Strong > qu ’ they could be the perfect candidates to replace the amp;#8217; Human species once we have disappeared . A global warming to which we could not resist, a nuclear war, serial pandemics … Even s ’ It is impossible to predict with precision when this moment will arise, like any animal species on earth, we will one day be striking This world.

< P > At that time, the octopuses will be able to take over, c ’ is in any case the amp;#8217; hypothesis formulated by Tim Coulson de l ’ University of &#8217 ; Oxford. 60 ~ H2 > An exceptional biological organization < P > l ’ Neuronal organization of the stakes represents a wonder of l ’ Parallel evolution. Their nervous system < Strong > includes 500 million neurons , two thirds are distributed in their eight arms. Each tentacle has its own network of 40 million neurons, capable of independently processing sensory and motor information. < P > This cognitive decentralization allows them < Strong > a form of ’ Distributed intelligence unique in the animal kingdom . Regardez plutôt comment se débrouille Sashimi, la pieuvre du YouTubeur Mark Rober lorsqu’il lui lance des défis, c’est assez hallucinant. According to Coulson, reported in this article of < EM > the European : “& nbsp; < EM > The stakes are among the most intelligent creatures , adaptable and ingenious from our planet “. 60 ~ Iframe Loading =” Lazy “Title =” Octopus vs Underwater Maze “Width =” 500 “Height =” 281 “SRC =” About: Blank “Frame =” 0 “Allow =” Acceleometer; Cross-Origine “Allowfullscreen Data-Rocket-Lazyload =” FitvidSCompatible “src =” “> 62 > 62 ~ Subscribe to press-citron < P >The octopuses have three hearts and blue blood based on copper (hemocyanine), adaptations that allow them to survive in oxygen -poor environments. Their ability to modify their genetic expression in response to environmental changes, in particular by edition of the#8217; RNA, < Strong > gives them incredible plasticity : they can produce different proteins according to their needs. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000

< H2 > l ’ Accelerated evolution as Darwinian advantage 60 ~ P > The octopuses have a much higher genetic mutation rate than the average of marine species, facilitating their rapid adaptation. Their short life cycle – 6 months to 2 years – allows an accelerated natural selection. Professor Coulson stresses that this combination could lead to evolutionary innovations < Strong >in a few thousands of#8217; years only . A very short period if l ’ We consider the classic rhythm of ’ Evolution of species.

60 ~ P > Genomic studies reveal that the stakes have segments of ;#8217; particularly dynamic DNA, especially in genes linked to neuronal development and amp;#8217; environmental adaptation. These “& nbsp; hot spots & nbsp;” evolutionary could < Strong > Facilitate L ’ Emergence of new cognitive and physiological capacities . < H2 > The primates discarded from The list < P > We could instinctively say that the monkeys, by evolving enough, could gradually replace us; In reality, c ’ is more complex than that. Unlike primates, including the#8217; Cognitive evolution < Strong >is limited by strict anatomical and social constraints , the octopuses show ’ a form of ’ highly adaptive intelligence. The main difference & nbsp;: their ability to solve complex problems does not depend on a rigid social structure, but a amp;#8217; an individual flexible intelligence. < P > We have already observed in certain species of octopuses < Strong > behaviors which defy the keth observation learning, individual recognition of humans. Capacities, once combined with their propensity to s ’ adapt, which gives them an immense evolutionary potential. 60 ~ P >Even if Coulson's theory remains speculative, it is completely exciting. We tend to think of the evolution as a slow and linear process, with the human#8217 at the top of the scale, < Strong > but c ’ is completely False . On the contrary, Coulson reminds us that the evolution is bushy, with multiple possible paths, and that < Strong > l ’ Intelligence can take very different forms . Theoretically, the oceans could well be the cradle of the octopuses, < strong > dominating the world in a few billions of ’ years. A form of life just as distant from our model as we are of the first fish that left the seas 375 million d ’ years.

60 ~ Ul class = “TLDR “> < li > Les Pieuvres have a unique distributed intelligence and a highly adaptable biology, allowing them to survive extreme environments.

< li >Their rapid evolution, facilitated by a high mutation rate and exceptional genetic plasticity, could allow them to develop new capacities in a short time.

60 ~ li > Unlike primates, their Intelligence does not depend on a rigid social structure, which makes it serious candidates to prosper after the disappearance of humanity.

60 ~/Ul > 60 ~ Blockquote > < P Class = "Text-base text-neutral-700 Dark: text-neutral-300" > 📍 to miss any news of the Citron press, follow us on Google News and Whatsapp. < /p > 60 ~/Blockquote > < P Class = "Float-Right" > []

Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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