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Legislative 2024, live: polling stations open everywhere this Sunday, the election has already started for thousands of French people

“Legislative 2024, live: polling stations open everywhere this Sunday, the election has already started for thousands of Fran&ccedil ;ais”

The polling stations open à 8 a.m. in France this Sunday, June 30, for the first round of the 2024 legislative elections. Follow the voting day live until the verdict this evening.

►Find your municipality or constituency to consult the lists of legislative candidates:   The essentials

  • The legislative elections begin this Sunday, June 30, 2024 across the country. Polling stations open their doors at 8 a.m. this morning and will close at 8 a.m. this morning. 6 p.m. and even 8 p.m. for the last ones.
  • The legislative elections have begun. as of yesterday in departments, regions and overseas communities. Voters in Saint Pierre and Miquelon have started to vote. &agrav; vote à 12 p.m., those from New Caledonia went to the polls at the polls. 10 p.m. (Paris time).
  • An increase in participation is expected, with almost two thirds of voters. More than 2.6 million proxies have been issued. recorded since June 10. This is four times more than in 2022 over the same period.
  • Follow live the 2024 legislative elections day.


07:20 – RATP threatens to strike if the RN wins

They raise the specter of a strike in Ile-de-France transport in the event of a victory for the National Rally in the legislative elections. In a press release; common, the CGT, the second union of the RATP and Solidaires RATP have called for action. &agrav; blockade by a « popular front » &agrav; the far right in the ballot which opens this Sunday. While the CGT supports the New Popular Front (NFP) at the national level to try to avoid Jordan Bardella's far-right party coming to power, François-Xavier Arnouls, the co-secretary of Solidaires RATP, announced: on Europe 1 that « the RN is the enemy of workers (…) We are not prohibiting any action in the wake of the r  Results of the second round, demonstrations, perhaps strikes.
As for à FO-RATP and UNSA Groupe RATP, respectively the first and third unions in the transport network, have simply called for a new union. citizens à go to vote without giving voting instructions.

07:08 – What are the voting rules ?

To be elected in the first round, a candidate must obtain more than half of the votes cast. of the votes cast in his constituency, as well as gathering at least 25% of the voters registered for his candidacy. In the event thatù no candidate would succeed à To obtain this quorum, a second round is planned for July 7. The two candidates who came first in the constituency, as well as all those whose score is at least equal to the previous candidate, will then be able to participate. 12.5% ​​of the vote.

06:50 – Surprise candidates for a historic election

While the French were not expected to return to the polls before 2026 and the municipal elections, Emmanuel Macron decided to do so. otherwise with its decision to dissolve the National Assembly. A political earthquake after the majority party took over. presidential election has been disavowed in the ballot boxes during the European elections.

If the National Rally still has the wind in its sails, several former high-ranking political figures have made a notable return. This is the case of the former president of the Republic François Hollande, who, with a view to blocking the extremist party, to my right, introduces himself to me these elections in the 1st constituency of Corrèze. Candidate under the banner of the New Popular Front (NFP), the new alliance of the left, the former tenant of the Lysée will not face & ;agrave; him no candidate of the majorityé presidential office.
Aurélien Rousseau, the former Minister of Healthé d'Emmanuel Macron, presents himself as for him under the label of the NFP in the 7th constituency of Yvelines after having left under the uproar the government of Élisabeth Borne, who was fiercely opposed to &agrav; immigration law.
J&rôme Cahuzac also made a notable return in politics in the 3rd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne. The former Budget Minister of François Hollande was, in 2012, sadly famous in « the Cahuzac ' raquo; when he wasé implicated in a tax fraud case.

06:27 – Several ministers play their place

< p>There are 24 on the starting line. More than twenty ministers are personally involved in these legislative elections to try to keep their seats as deputies. acquired during the previous 2022 elections. Others, & Conversely, they chose not to go. This is the case of Bruno Le Maire, Sébastien Lecornu, Rachida Dati and even Éric Dupond-Moretti.

While the National Rally made a historic breakthrough throughout France during the European vote, certain ministers already find themselves in the spotlight. in danger in their constituency. Éelected à 57.52% of the votes in 2022, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin must face a serious challenge. an extreme right which has the wind in its sails, popular with 40% in his stronghold of the 10th district in the North. And he's not the only one' &being confrontedé &agrav; a rise of Jordan Bardella's party. Thomas Cazenave (Public Accounts), Sabrina Agresti-Roubache (City), Franck Riester (Foreign Trade), Guillaume Kasbarian (Housing), Marie Guévenoux (Overseas), Marc Fesnau (Agriculture) or Hervé Berville (Sea and Biodiversity), are also in danger. And as republican tradition dictates, when a minister is disavowed, at the polls, the latter is required to resign from his post.

06:17 – A short campaign

Last June 9, on the evening of the results of the European elections and when the presidential party had to be content with second place, far behind the Rally national, Emmanuel Macron took the political world and the French by surprise by announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly. Thus, for this ballot of early legislative elections, 4,011 candidates are on the starting line. Security, purchasing power, retirement, immigration,… the candidates only had 21 days to try to convince voters during a blitzkrieg.

06:13 – Some French people have already started fighting. voted

If the majority of French people are preparing to move on, go to the polls this Sunday, June 30 for these early legislative elections, others have already decided. started &agrav; voting since Saturday. Indeed, voters from several overseas departments and communities have been going to the polls since Saturday, like residents of Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, San Marino, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, or for readers who reside on the American continent and in the Caribbean.

06:00 – Legislative elections begin this Sunday in France

Hello and welcome to this live dedicated to in the first round of the 2024 legislative elections. Polling day will begin at 8 hours in mainland France with the opening of polling stations. Pollsters and politicians expect more a very sharp increase in participation compared to the 2022 legislative elections, for which 47.51% of voters came to the polls. s. This time, participation could reach or even exceed two-thirds of the approximately 49 million registered.

Find out more

Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly just minutes after the publication of the first estimates of the results of the European elections on Sunday, June 9. A “serious, heavy” decision taken in light of the National Rally's overwhelming victory in the European elections. “I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered,” declared the President of the Republic. With this decision, and the call for Article 12 of the Constitution of the 5th Republic, Emmanuel Macron has de facto acted on the organization of early legislative elections aimed at forming a new National Assembly.

The French are therefore called to vote in new legislative elections this Sunday, June 30 for the first round, followed by the second round a week later, on Sunday, July 7, 2024. Dates that arrive less than three weeks after the announcement by the Head of State. Why so early ? Well because in addition to the 20 to 40 day period provided for by the Constitution in the event of dissolution, the agenda for the coming months is loaded especially with the start of the Olympic Games on July 26 and the arrival of school holidays, which limited the options for organizing the polls. 

From the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the elections organization the ;legislative, the different parties have entered into the campaign, which will be express with &àgrave; barely three weeks between the announcement and the ballot. The submission of applications has been completed. on Sunday June 16, to allow à the official campaign to begin on Monday June 17 and respect the two weeks of campaigning before an election.

For these 2024 legislative elections, the left has beené the first to call a union and even à the formation of a "new popular front" from June 10. After several days of discussions, the four left-wing forces found their solution. an agreement to present only one single candidate in the 577 constituencies in the first round. According to this agreement LFI will present 229 candidates, the PS will have 175, EELV will have 92 and the PCF will have 50.

On the right, alliances have also been added. announced, but with turmoil. The president of the Les Républicains party, Eric Ciotti, proposed an alliance with the National Rally, which showed itself to be very supportive. inclined &agrav; a rapprochement. But the majority LR members opposed the move this agreement and demanded the dismissal of Eric Ciotti. The LR candidates allied with the RN will ultimately be 62 during the first round. The Zemmourist Reconquˆte party also attempted to to get closer to the RN via Marion Maréchal, but the Lepéist party refused to do so. any alliance. Eric Zemmour announced Only 330 candidates out of 577 constituencies.

Face &agrav; these two alliances in formation, the majorityé presidential office reacted. Emmanuel Macron sought to &agrav; expand its majority to the forces he considers to be part of the "Republican arc", notably the reactive socialist left & agrave; the alliance with LFI and the right of the Republicans rejecting the agreement with the RN. But apart from a few local agreements and a few “reserved” constituencies the republican arc, in other words where the Macronists did not nominate a candidate to leave their chances at risk. the left and &agrav; the traditional right, the contours of the majority remain confined to the Renaissance party and its allies (Horizons, Modem, UDI and central candidates).

The first polls on the results of the 2024 legislative elections have started. &agrav; be published the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Until'à At the end of the campaign, the studies gave the advantage in the National Rally with more than 30% of voting intentions and up to 30% of voting intentions. 36 or 37% in the last days   before the first round. The Union of the Left comes in second position in voting intentions with a little over 20% and the majority of votes. presidential vote is only given in third position below the 20% mark. The same studies therefore logically grant more seats to the RN in the second round.

According to studies from different institutes, the RN would become the majority group with 250 to 250 members. 300 seats depending on the scenarios (compared to 89 currently). The left alliance would form the second force with 150 to 150 troops. 190 seats (compared to 153) and the majority group presidential election would lose power with 90% 130 seats (compared to 249). The Republicans would move on to 30 or 40 seats (compared to 74).

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116