< P Itemprop = "description" > participant & agrave; The new season of Dance with the stars, Charlotte de Turckheim confidence of a turn on his physique and the difficulties and amp; accept them changes in his body with the & acirc; ge. Confidences & eacute; moving.
< H2 Class = "Bloc_resume_post_title" > In short < ul class = "Bloc_resume_post_list" > < li > Charlotte de Turckheim, 69 years old, participle & agrave; Dance with stars to overcome its li & eacute complex; & agrave; its weight.< li > it is amp; there Dance, Malgr & eacute; its & eacute; checs pass & eacute; < li > With the support of Yann-Alrick Mortreuil, it is pri; & agrave; Raise this d & fi and & agrave; accepted as it is.
< P >& agrave; 69 years old, Charlotte de Turckheim is one of the c & amp; The dance prosecutor's office with the stars for this new season. A new d & indulge franchise on his complicated relationship & eacute; & agrave; its image and amp; agrave; its weight, She who has a long time & eacute; thin.
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< H2 > “I no longer arrive & amp; amp; ocirc; ler, I grow” < P > “< em > me j '& eacute; always thin. I no longer arrive; the amp; oocirc; ler, I grow … I do everything Try to lose weight, & ccedil; a don't work … and therefore suddenly I Retrouv & eacute; e f & Acirc; ch & eacute; e with this body “, confides Charlotte de Turckheim. The actress r & eacute; v & Many r & gimes, in vain & nbsp;: “< EM > I had done it is not very R & eacute; gime that I did not do it is dance with the stars . “
< P >His adventure in the & mission of TF1 will therefore be an opportunity for it is to reconcile with its body and to accept its news forms. Malgr & eacute; The pains caused by a cruralgia, Charlotte de Turckheim is amp; Eacute & eacute; are on the dance floor. < H2 Class = "Marfeel_last_H2" > a complicity & eacute; Imm & Eacute; Diate with his Partner < P > For this challenge, the sexag & eacute; Yann-Alrick Mortreuil. A bin & ocirc; Heard, as she tells: “< em > j '& eacute; That it was with him that I did my test during the casting. I had found him; So good dancer, but especially p & eacute; dagogue and Nice that I crossed my fingers so that it was him. “ < P > The two accomplices have no evil & agrave; g & eacute; proximit & eacute; Physics inh & Dance. An aspect that does not pose of a problem with the agrave; the same, habitu & eacute; “< em > we, the that we are used to kissing guys that we know & t not. I found myself in beds with guys I had Eacute; s in the morning m & ecirc; me to makeup “, she has fun.< P > d & eacute; Termin & eacute; e and well surrounded, Charlotte de Turckheim seems to be fine pr & Raise the d & fi de danse with the stars. An opportunity for She starts a new chapter, learning & agrave; love this body which has a long time to him. A beautiful message of acceptance of SOI.