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National Assembly: what composition on July 7 ? 532 outgoing deputies in campaign

ASSEMBLED. After the surprise dissolution of the National Assembly, legislative elections are organized on June 30 and July 7, 2024. Who will be the 577 new deputies?

What will the National Assembly look like the day after the anticipated legislative elections 2024 ? Since the decision history of Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the lower house of Parliament on June 9, great uncertainty looms. French voters are called to the polls on June 30 and July 7 to elect their 577 new deputies. In a few days, the game of alliances began and gives a glimpse of a future hemicycle consisting of in three blocks.

Due to the lightning campaign, a historically high number of outgoing MPs are running for office. their own re-election: there are 532 of them, to which can be added 22 ministers in office, having won the election. a seat in 2022 before withdrawing in favor of their replacement, and who are returning to the campaign. Only 23 parliamentarians decided to withdraw, 15 of whom sat in the majority presidential election. In 2022, 136 outgoing MPs had not been elected. reinvested.

What will be the composition of the new National Assembly ?

The new National Assembly which will take shape on the evening of July 7 will therefore feature a certain number of well-known figures. Especially since these legislative elections are marked by an attempt at a comeback on the part of several former deputies: & start with the ex-president of the Republic, François Hollande, who presents himself in his stronghold of Corr&egraveze, in the same place At the same time as his former minister, Jérôme Cahuzac, tried his luck in Lot-et-Garonne. The president of the Hauts-de-France region Laurent Wauquiez is for his part invested in Haute-Loire, the former minister Dominique Voynet in Doubs, while Jean Lassalle will try to restore ;eacute;recover its headquarters in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques.

On the other hand, the political balances should be drastically modified: after the rout of Emmanuel Macron's party in the European elections ;eacute;ennes, everything brings to life believe that the President of the Republic will definitively lose his majority, which could lead to the formation of a government of cohabitation. According to the first polls, the National Rally could obtain a majority. relative.

But the left-wing coalition of the New Popular Front is closely behind the far-right party: according to the Cluster17 barometer published on June 14, the RN would obtain between 194 and 245 seats, while the left would obtain between 190 and 235. The presidential coalition Together for the Republic would retain between 70 and 100, The Republicans between 25 and 35. Between 10 and 14 seats would finally return to candidates labeled "various left" and between 10 and 16 à candidates from other affiliations.

What was the composition of the National Assembly since 2022 ?

The legislative elections of June 12 and 19, 2022 had renewed the composition of the National Assembly in an unprecedented way: although re-elected president of the R' Publicly a few weeks earlier, in April 2022, Emmanuel Macron found himself in danger. private majority absolute in the lower house of Parliament. The majority presidential election (Renaissance ex-LREM, MoDem, Horizons) had thus lost around a hundred deputies compared to the previous mandate, to arrive at 250 seats, while the majority absolute is fixed at 289.

In this new Assembly, the opposition was therefore placed in a position of strength, although it was very strong. egrave;s divided. The left had started to fight. this 16th legislature of the Fifth Republic with 141 seats in the Chamber, thanks to a historic coalition, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). The National Rally had never been held before. as powerful for its part à the Assembly, with 89 deputies. The Republicans, on the other hand, had signed a clear decline compared to &agrav; the previous legislature, going from 101 é 62 seats.$

Among the 577 outgoing MPs, 533 are currently running for re-election. It is therefore a match of outgoing candidates against new candidates which begins. Here is the list of deputies who made up the National Assembly, intended for be significantly renewed.

  Among the highlights of the 16th legislature, which officially began on June 28, 2022, the National Assembly had elected its first The first female president, Yaël Braun-Pivet. Six vice-presidents had been appointed. over the following days, two of which were from the majority presidential election, two from Nupes and two from the National Rally. The majority presidential office had also obtained two positions of quaestors, the last having gone to the deputy LR Eric Ciotti. Of the eight permanent committees of the Assembly, seven had logically found the right to do so. their presidents from among the deputies of the majority coalition. The eighth, the coveted Finance Committee, which is traditionally chaired by a member of Parliament. of the opposition, had elected to his head the deputy of rebellious France.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116