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NWT: Investigation into Fort Smith plane crash continues

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Two search and rescue parachutists jumped from a plane Hercules over Fort Smith, January 23.

  • Julie Plourde (View profile)Julie Plourde

Speech synthesis, based on artificial intelligence, makes it possible to generate spoken text from written text.

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) is preparing to transport the wreckage of the plane that crashed last week in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, to Edmonton to shed light on what caused its crash shortly after takeoff, which left six people dead.

According to a report preliminary from the TSB, the Jetstream type aircraft would have come into contact with trees and terrain before crashing and catching fire, shortly after takeoff.

Only one person, Kurt Macdonald, survived.

Warning : This article contains a photo of the accident site .

Four TSB investigators arrived the day after the accident. They collected information about the crash site and the condition of the wreckage, and they interviewed the victims' relatives to explain their work.

According to Jon Lee, Western Regional Director of the TSB, the small pieces of debris from the plane were placed in nylon bags at the destination from Edmonton. Everything is ready, but at the moment there are delays due to weather conditions.

Freezing rain fell on Fort Smith on Sunday, preventing the operation of the helicopter deployed to retrieve these bags.

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Jon Lee is the Western Regional Director for the Transportation Safety Board of Canada.

According to the TSB, the fire lasted almost six hours, which posed difficulties for investigators.

I estimate that about 80% of the plane was destroyed by fire. The information we normally use to understand how the plane struck trees and terrain is therefore lost.

A quote from Jon Lee, Transportation Safety Board of Canada

To explain how one passenger was able to survive the accident, while all the others perished is more difficult with a wreck consumed by flames. Normally, if we had an intact cabin, we could inspect the doors, the emergency exits, but this information is lost, everything burned, says Jon Lee.

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According to a preliminary TSB report, the Jetstream aircraft came into contact with trees and terrain before crashing and catching fire shortly after takeoff.

Investigators were still able to recover the voice recorder, and despite the fire, Mr. Lee believes that the data can be downloaded: The recorder is covered in soot, but has not melted.

The Voice recorders are designed to be able to sustain a certain temperature for a certain amount of time, says Jon Lee.

In addition, these devices are normally installed in a part of the aircraft less likely to be destroyed during an impact, such as the tail of the aircraft. In this case, the tail did not receive as much heat and fire damage as the rest of the plane, he said.

This recorder will be sent to Ottawa for data download.

The TSB investigation is a category 3, on a scale of 1 to 6. According to the TSB website, this type of investigation could lead to new safety lessons and improved safety. transport safety by reducing risks threatening people, property and the environment.

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Jon Lee says that every investigation provides an opportunity to learn something. In this case, we have a company that offers regular flights to Fort Smith and the Northwest Territories. The type of aircraft used requires regulations and certification from Transport Canada.

Over the next few weeks, the TSB will examine the flight controls and then the flight control system. The motors will be sent to the manufacturer, located in Phoenix, Arizona, for further examination.

< p class="Text-sc-2357a233-1 imohSo">At the start of an investigation, one wonders whether the engines were functional or not. If they were functional, could they provide the power needed to climb [in the air]?

A quote from Jon Lee, Transportation Safety Board of Canada

Three investigators from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch, the equivalent of the TSB in the United Kingdom, arrived in Edmonton to help transfer Information from the manufacturer, British Aerospace Systems, about everything you need to know about design, performance, etc.

The TSB will also study the training provided to pilots, their background and experience. It will also rely on the NWT Chief Coroner's inquest into the causes of death.

For each survey, we collect the same amount of information from three main categories. We study the plane, we examine the people involved and we look at the environment, such as the weather and the operational context, concludes Jon Lee.

  • Julie Plourde (View profile)Julie PlourdeSuivre
Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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