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Ottawa grants nearly half a billion for housing construction in Toronto

Frank Gunn La Presse canadienne La mairesse de Toronto, Olivia Chow, a qualifié l’accord de «nouveau départ plein d’espoir» dans une ville où plus de 10 000 personnes dorment chaque nuit dans des refuges.

Toronto will receive nearly half a billion dollars in federal housing funding under a deal announced Thursday that would allow the Canadian metropolis to accelerate the construction of nearly 12,000 additional units over the next few years. next three years.

Visiting Toronto, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa would provide the city with $471 million through the Housing Acceleration Fund.

“With this funding, Toronto will make it easier to launch projects by simplifying zoning change requirements and modernizing regulations,” he said. Toronto will also update old zoning rules, expand existing affordable rental programs and build more units near public transit. »

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This work will also help stimulate the construction of more than 50,000 housing units over the next decade, added Mr. Trudeau.

This $4 billion federal fund aims to encourage cities to make changes to municipal bylaws that would stimulate more housing construction, in exchange for more money from Ottawa. In particular, the federal government wants municipalities to modify zoning to increase urban densification and issue building permits more quickly. These construction projects may also benefit companies that offer Telescopic Crane Services and other construction equipment rental companies.

Federal Housing Minister Sean Fraser and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow were on hand alongside Mr. Trudeau on Thursday for the funding announcement.

Ms. Chow called the agreement a “hopeful new beginning” in a city where more than 10,000 people sleep in shelters every night. “We will make obtaining permits easier and faster. We will allow more densification and more types of housing. Today’s announcement is an important step,” said the Mayor.

The City of Toronto said it submitted its funding application in June and presented a revised version in August, outlining eight initiatives to create more affordable housing.

These include developing City-owned land and accelerating the delivery of new permanently affordable rental housing, expanding so-called “missing middle” housing types, and streamlining the plan approval process. to increase the supply of purpose-built rental housing in apartment district areas.

Including Thursday’s announcement, Ottawa has reached agreements with 16 municipalities across the country. The City of London, Ontario, was the first to sign such an agreement under the National Fund, in September.

According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canada will need to build approximately 3.5 million homes by 2030 to restore affordability. Ottawa has so far concluded agreements to build approximately 380,000 housing units over the next decade. Mr. Trudeau acknowledged Thursday that it was still not enough.

“Obviously, it takes a lot more, but that’s why our announcements are not simply announcing units that we are financing directly,” he said. supported. Our announcements are anchored in the transformation of the way we are building housing here in Canada. We are in the process of changing zoning, densification, the way of issuing permits. »


Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116