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Paralympic Games 2024: medals, calendar, athletes… All the info

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The Paralympic Games began on August 28 t with a very big ambition for the French.

Twenty-two para sports are on the Paralympic Games programme for a total of 549 events, spread over 269 sessions. Paralympic events take place at the same venues as Olympic events. As with the Olympic Games, the goal of medals for France is very high. “The ambition is the Top 8, to get France into the Top 8 of the Paralympic nations” , announced on Monday, August 12, on the microphone of franceinfo, the president of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF), Marie-Amélie Le Fur. A very ambitious ranking that the French delegation did not achieve since Sydney in 2000 (7th, with 86 awards, including 30 gold). “The goal will be to get 20 gold medals, that's what will count”.

Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony

Discover the best images from the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games which took place in open sky between the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde.

The complete program

Find the complete details of the Paralympic Games calendar, day by day with all the events and finals that will award the medals.

The medal table

Three years ago, in Japan, France finished 14th with 55 medals, including 11 gold, 15 silver and 29 bronze. The top three countries in the Tokyo Paralympic Games standings were: China (207 medals, including 96 gold), Great Britain (124 medals, 41 gold) and the United States (104 medals, 37 gold).

Paralympic sports

Discover a focus on all the sports of the Paralympic Games with the rules, classification and the program of the events.

Learn more about the Paralympic Games

Discover all the additional information for the Paralympic Games. Meaning of the logo, classification of disabilities, list of competition sites.

The athletes

Para Athletics

  • Timothée ADOLPH (T11)
  • Gloria AGBLEMAGNON (F20)
  • Arnaud ASSOUMANI (T47)
  • Valentin BERTRAND (T37)
  • Manon GENEST (T37)
  • Nantenin KEITA (T13)
  • Charles-Antoine KOUAKOU (T20)
  • Trésor Gauthier MAKUNDA (T1 1)
  • Badr TOUZI (F63)
  • Pierre FAIRBANK T53
  • Soane Luka MEISSONNIER F20
  • Delya BOULAGHLEM T11
  • Harold ACHI-YAO T11
  • Delya BOULAGHLEM T11
  • Renaud CLERC T37
  • Alexandre DIPOKO-EWANE T47
  • Pierre FAIRBANK T53
  • Gilles GANGLOFF  T12
  • Mathieu LEROUX T12
  • Dimitri JOZWICKI T38
  • Vitolio KAVAKAVA F57
  • Angélina LANZA T46
  • Marie N&#39 ;GOUSSOU T46
  • Alexandra NOUCHET F63
  • Sofia PACE T63
  • Dimitri PAVADE T64
  • Antoine PRAUD T46
  • Félicien SIAPO T44
  • Laure USTARITZ T37

Para Rowing

  • Nathalie BENOIT PR1 W1xRC
  • Alexis SANCHEZ PR1 M1xAS
  • Perle BOUGE PR2 Mix2x
  • Benjamin DAVIET PR2 Mix2x
  • Laurent CADOT PR3  Mix2x
  • Guylaine MARCHAND PR3 Mix2x
  • Grégoire BIREAU PR3 Mix4+
  • Margot BOULET PR3 Mix4+
  • Candyce CHAFA PR3 Mix4+
  • Rémy TARANTO PR3 Mix4+
  • Emilie ACQUISTAPACE Mix4+ (helmsman)

Para Badminton

  • Lucas MAZUR (SL4)
  • Faustine NOEL&nbsp ;(SL4)
  • Thomas JAKOBS (WH2)
  • David TOUPE (WH1)
  • Charles NOAKES (SH6)
  • Maud LEFORT (SU5)
  • Méril LOQUETTE (SU5)
  • Milena SURREAU (SL4)
  • < /ul>

    Basketball armchair

    • Rémi BAYLE Basket 2.5 pts
    • Christophe CARLIER 3 pts
    • Audrey CAYOL 1.5 pts
    • Jérôme DURAN 2 pts
    • Ibrahim GUIRASSY 1 pt
    • Louis HARDOUIN 2.5 pts
    • Nicolas JOUANSERRE 4.5
    • Jérôme LAURERI 1 pt
    • Jordan LUCE 4.5  pts
    • Sofyane MEHIAOUI 3 pts
    • Alexis RAMONET 4 pts
    • Mamady TRAORE 4 pts


    • Aurélie AUBERT BC1
    • Claudine LLOP BC3
    • Aurélien FABRE  BC2
    • Sonia HECKEL BC3
    • Florent BRACHET BC3
    • Fayçal MEGUENNI BC2
    • Jules MENARD BC3
    • Christophe MENARD BC3

    Para Canoë-Kayak

    • Abel ABER Pirogue (VL3)
    • Nélia BARBOSA (KL3)
    • Rémy BOULLE (KL1)
    • Eléa CHARVET (Pirogue VL3)

    Para Cyclisme

    • Mathieu BOSREDON H3
    • Anne-Sophie CENTIS B
    • Elie DE CARVALHO B
    • Dorian FOULON C5
    • Joseph FRITSCH H4
    • Heïdi GAUGAIN C5
    • Florian JOUANNY H2
    • Alexandre LEAUTE C2
    • Kévin LE CUNFF C4
    • Gatien LE ROUSSEAU C4
    • Alexandre LLOVERAS B
    • Marie PATOUILLET C5
    • Loïc VERGNAUD H5
    • Anaïs VINCENT H3
    • Johan QUAILE H3

    Para Ériding

    • Lisa CEZ Grade V
    • Alexia PITTIER Grade IV
    • Vladimir VINCHON Grade IV
    • Chiara ZENATI Grade III

    Armchair fencing

    • Clémence DELAVOIPIERE Category A
    • Cécile DEMAUDE Category B
    • Ludovic LEMOINE Category A
    • Yohan PETER Category B
    • Damien TOKATLIAN Category A
    • Maxime VALET Category B
    • Brianna VIDE Caté gorie A

    Cécifoot – Football à 5 (éFrench men's team)

    • Hakim AREZKI  B1
    • Martin BARON
    • Alessandro BARTOLOMUCCI Goalkeeper
    • Benoit CHEVREAU DE MONTLEHU Goalkeeper
    • Tidiane DIAKITÉ
    • Mickaël MIGUEZ
    • Babacar NIANG
    • Gaël RIVIÈRE
    • Frédéric VILLEROUX
    • Khalifa YOUMÉ
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    • Adélia AJAMI Women's Goalball (FFH) B3
    • Melda ALHAN Women's Goalball (FFH) B2
    • Jahmali BERQUIER Women's Goalball (FFH) B2
    • Coralie GONZALEZ Women's Goalball (FFH) B1
    • Gwendoline MATOS Women's Goalball (FFH) B2
    • Loïse RONDEPIERRE Goalball Women's Goalball (FFH) B3
    • Nabil BAICH Men's Goalball (FFH) B3
    • Kada BOUALIA Goalball Men's Goalball (FFH) B2
    • Ambroise DAUDIN Men's Goalball (FFH) B3
    • Haris NEIMARLJIA Men's Goalball (FFH) B1
    • Elias OUNI Goalball B3
    • Thomas RAMOS-MARTINS B2

    < h2>Para Haltérophilie – Dynamophilie

    • Alex ADÉLAÏDE -49 kg
    • Rafik ARABAT -97 kg
    • Axel BOURLON -54 kg
    • Souhad GHAZOUANI -67&amp ;nbsp;kg

    Para Judo

    • Jason GRANDRY +90Kg
    • Cyril JONARD -90Kg
    • Hélios LATCHOUMANAYA -90Kg
    • Prescillia LÉZÉ +70Kg
    • Sandrine MARTINET -48Kg
    • Nathan PETIT -73Kg
    • Armindo RODRIGUES -73Kg
    • Anatole RUBIN -60kg
    • Nacer ZORGANI +90Kg< /li>

    Para Natation

    • Laurent CHARDARD (S6)
    • Ugo DIDIER (S9)
    • Alex PORTAL (S13)
    • Hector DENAYER S9
    • Assya MAURIN-ESPIAU S14
    • Dimitri GRANJUX S4
    • Elodie LORANDI S10
    • Léane MORCEAU
    • Agathe PAULI S9
    • Emeline PIERRE S10
    • Kylian PORTAL S12
    • Anaëlle ROULET S10
    • Solène SACHE S5
    • David SMETANINE S4

    Rugby armchair (mixed)

    • Tristan BARFERTY 2.5 pts
    • Adrien CHALMIN  0.5 pt
    • Jordan DUCRET 1.0 pt
    • Jonathan HIVERNAT 3.0&nbsp ;pts
    • Rodolphe JARLAN 2.5 pts
    • Corentin LE GUEN 0.5 pt
    • Brice MAUREL 2.5 pts
    • Cédric NANKIN 1.5 pt
    • Ryadh SALLEM 3.5 pts
    • Matthieu THIRIET 1.5&nbsp ;pt
    • Nicolas VALENTIM 2.0 pts
    • Sébastien VERDIN 3.0&nbsp ;pts

    Para Taekwondo

    • Sophie CAVERZAN K44 -57kg
    • Djelika DIALLO K44 -65kg
    • Bopha KONG K44 -58kg

    Para Table tennis

    • Thu KAMKASOMPHOU (Class 8)
    • Fabien LAMIRAULT (Class 2)
    • Florian MERRIEN (Class 3)
    • Maxime THOMAS (Class 4)
    • Esteban HERRAULT (Class 6)
    • Stéphane MESSI (Class 7)
    • Kévin DOURBECKER (Class 7)
    • Clément BERTHIER (Class 8)
    • Thomas BOUVAIS (Class 8)
    • Lucas DIDIER (Class 9)
    • Matéo BOHEAS (Class 10)
    • Alexandra SAINT-PIERRE (Class 5)
    • Léa FERNEY (Class 11)
    • Lucas Edouard CREANGE (Class 11)
    • Julien MICHAUD (Class 2)
    • Flora VAUTIER (Class 4)
    • Emeric MARTIN (Class 4)
    • Morgen CAILLAUD (Class 6)
    • Nicolas SAVANT-AIRA (Class 5)
    • Lucie HAUTIERE (Class 8)
    • Sylvain NOËL (Class 3)

    Armchair tennis

    • Frédéric CATTANÉO
    • Ksénia CHASTEAU
    • Pauline DÉROULÈDE
    • Charlotte FAIRBANK
    • Stéphane HOUDET
    • Guilhem LAGET
    • Gaëtan MENGUY
    • < li>Emmanuelle MÖRCH

    Para Tir à l'arc

    • Julie RIGAULT-CHUPIN (Open arc & compound)
    • Guillaume TOUCOULLET (Open recurve bow)
    • Maxime GUERIN (Open bow & compound)
    • < li>Aziza BENHAMI (Open recurve bow)

    • Thierry JOUSSAUME (Open bow & compound)
    • Damien LETULLE (Category W1)

    Para Tir

    • Justine BEVE SH2
    • Tanguy DE LA FOREST SH2
    • Gaëlle EDON SH1
    • Kévin LIOT SH2
    • Jean-Louis MICHAUD SH1
    • Didier RICHARD SH1

    Para Triathlon

    • Pierre-Antoine BAELE PTS4
    • Grégoire BERTHON PTS4
    • Annouck CURZILLAT PTVI
    • Julie MORANO PTVI
    • Cédric DENUZIÈRE PTS3
    • Mona FRANCIS  PTWC
    • Michaël HERTER PTS3
    • Gwladys LEMOUSSU PTS5
    • Elise MARC PTS4
    • Louis NOËL PTWC
    • Antoine PEREL PTVI
    • Yohan LE BERRE  PTVI
    • Jules RIBSTEIN  PTS2
    • Thibaut RIGAUDEAU PTVI
    • Cyril VIENNOT PTVI
    • Cécile SABOUREAU PTS2
    • Camille SENECLAUZE PTS4
    • Geoffrey WERSY PTS2

    Sitting volleyball

    • Séverine BAILLOT VS1
    • Aur&amp ;eacute;lie GARCIA VS1
    • Olivia LANES VS1
    • Julie LIGNER VS1
    • Estelle MARSA GALANT VS2
    • Lynda MEDJAHERI VS1
    • Anaïs RIGAL VS1
    • Mamadou BAH VS1
    • Cyrille CHAHBOUNE  VS1
    • Gildas GUIHENEUF VS2
    • Matthieu JAGU VS2
    • Thomas LARONCE VS1
    • Thibaud LEFRANCOIS VS1
    • Benjamin PILLERAULT VS1
    • Jean-Christophe RAMBEAU VS1
    • Damien ROGET VS1
    • Morgan TROUSSARD VS1
    • Romain WOLNIEWICZ VS1

    Paralympic Games Sports

    • Wheelchair Basketball
    • < li>boccia

    • wheelchair fencing
    • cécifoot
    • goalball
    • para athletics
    • para rowing
    • para badminton
    • para canoë
    • para road cycling
    • para track cycling
    • para ériding (dressage)
    • para powerlifting
    • para judo
    • para swimming
    • < li> para taekwondo

    • para table tennis
    • para shooting &agrav; l'arc
    • para sport shooting
    • para triathlon
    • rugby armchair
    • tennis armchair
    • sitting volleyball
Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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