Professor Michel Dauzat, referring physician of the structure certified by the Ministries of Health and Sports. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT
The structure was inaugurated on Thursday evening. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT
Jean-Pierre Combes et Gérard Bessière s’engagent pour le sport… Et la santé. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT
The Maison de Sport Santé Clermont is launched in Clermont-l’Hérault, in partnership with the Lodévois multi-sports club. After Lodève, the Clermontais benefits from a structure which, under medical prescription, allows to assess the physical condition of patients and to direct them towards tailor-made physical activities.
“Sport on prescription” is gaining ground in Cœur d'Hérault. The principle, which contributes to “Replacing the prescription of endless medications with the recommendation of physical and sporting activities is a considerable step forward for our societies”, says Gérard Bessière, Mayor of Clermont. A step forward that now has its quarters alongside those of the weightlifting club. This Thursday, December 19, late in the evening, the seventh Sports and Health House of the department was inaugurated in Clermont, in partnership with the COL, Lodévois Omnisports Club. A dozen Clermont clubs have also signed an agreement with the structure.
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000Clearly, physical activity is a natural bulwark against the ills of the century (in the medical field): junk food and a sedentary lifestyle, physical activity is a bulwark that is both natural and effective. Now “It has been shown that the fact that an activity is prescribed is more effective in convincing the patient of its interest than a simple oral recommendation”, notes Professor Michel Dauziat, referring physician of the Lodévoise structure certified by the Ministries of Health and Sports. And, in the capital Clermontaise, the establishment on Avenue Paul Valéry was all the more logical since ” the core target of the sports health centers are the people who are furthest removed from physical activity. And, in our region in particular, we find these people in the neighborhoods of the city's priority policy, they are the most difficult people to reach, we have to go to them. They are often far removed from all the support systems, do not necessarily know their rights… We are breaking down a lot of barriers”, analyzes the doctor. Especially since the activity of the two sites, in Lodève and Clermont, (reception, evaluation and follow-up), is entirely free.
“Saying that we had to go there was really the right approach. From time to time, we have to shake things up so that they fall into place”, greeted Jean-Pierre Combes, president of the COL, addressing the chief magistrate of Clermont. In the Cœur d’Hérault region, other projects will follow, including a similar structure that should see the light of day in Gignac. “Our team is determined. We are going to create a Sports and Health Center for the Cœur d’Hérault region, we are going to do it, with three sites, it will work and we will do good for people. That's what we are here for!', Jean-Pierre Combes insisted.
Office hours in Clermont: Sports Department, Avenue Paul Valéry, Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone: 07 79 13 51 66; email:; website:
A dozen Clermont clubs have signed a partnership agreement with the Maison Sport santé de Clermont. More broadly, in the Heart of Hérault, the initiative led by JP Combes and Michel Dauzat is supported by the City of Lodève, that of Clermont, the Comcom of Lodève and Larzac, the Department, the Region, the French Federation of Multi-Sports Clubs, the Academic Region of Occitanie, the Drajes, the National Sports Agency, the FF Randonnée. In addition, many private and associative partners are partners of the structure.
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