< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/chatgpt-a.jpg" Class = "attachment-full size -full wp-pos-imaging "alt =" chatgpt a "lOading =" "fetchprierity =" high "decoding =" async "srcset =" https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09 /Chatgpt-a.jpg 1500W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/hatgpt-a-504x336.jpg 504W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app /uploads/2024/09/chatgpt-a-1024x683.jpg 1024W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/chatgpt-a-50x33.jpg 50W, https: //www .presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/Chatgpt-A-336x224.jpg 336w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/chatgpt-a-1400x932. JPG 1400W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/chatgpt-680x453.jpg 680w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/Chatgpt-A-896X597.JPG 896W "SIZES =" (max-width: 639px) 100VW, (max-width: 1023px) Calc (100VW-2REM), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw-26rem) , 680px "> © Primakov/Shutterstock.com < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" > < i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" >< P > If you speak politely to Chatgpt, as you would with a merchant or a colleague, you are not crazy. It’s even a real basic trend if you refer to a recent survey commissioned by Talker News in the United States. To see more clearly, experts interviewed 2000 Americans last June.
< H2 > A surprising survey < P >It turns out that 48 & nbsp;% of respondents estimate that AI deserves to be treated with politeness, while the youngest are among the nicest with these machines. 68 & nbsp;% of respondents have no particular explanation on their behavior and indicate that it is just a habit. But, 29 & nbsp;% of IA users believe that everyone deserves to be treated with good manners, “ whether it is human or not ”. < P > in detail, more than half of the members of the Z generation (people born between 1997 and 2012) and 52 & nbsp;% of Millienials (people born between the early 1980s and the environment of the 1990s) are D & AMP;#8217 Agree with this idea. On the other hand, only 39 & nbsp;% of baby-boomers judge that these tools must be treated with courtesy. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< H2 > Is it really useful & nbsp; ? 60 ~ P > beyond the anecdotal and insolite side of this study, that leads us to ask ourselves On the interest of these practices. And precisely, it turns out that making politeness with Chatgpt and its competitors is not so trivial as it seems.
60 ~ P > in an interview granted l ’ last year at the site < em > usbek & amp; Rica , the researcher and specialist in AI, Horea Mihai Bădău, relates thus & nbsp ;: 60 ~ Blockquote >< P > I conversed a lot with Chatgpt before He is no longer controlled in his responses, and for example, I noted that algorithms do not give the same results depending on whether we are addressed to them politely or not. You have to talk to them like human beings and sometimes talk to them for a long time so that they refine their answers and concentrate more resources. There is no type of speed type, ready to use. 60 ~ P > The Expert Scratches in passing all those who trade prompts & nbsp;: < em >“& Amp; Nbsp; Creating prompt chatgpt has almost become a job, with people who buy them, but it is a scam & nbsp;: algorithms do not only respond according to our requests, but also our mirror Algorithmic, which is why the same prompt will not systematically bring the same answer & nbsp; ». < P > We invite you to read the entire fascinating interview carried out by our sister. What is your attitude and tone when you interact with generative AIs & nbsp; ? Tell us in the comments. 60 ~ Blockquote > < P Class = "Text-Base Text-Neutral-700 Dark: Text-Neutral-300" > 📍 to miss any news of the Citron press, follow us on Google News and Whatsapp. < P Class = "Float-Right" > []< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/paddington-perou.jpg" Class = "attachment-full size…
< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/paddington-perou.jpg" Class = "attachment-full size…
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De nombreux utilisateurs ont pris l’habitude d’interagir avec l’IA comme ils le font avec un…
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