© Amin Moshrefi/Unsplash
After years of failure, Telegram has just found the path to profitability. Enough to put a smile on the face of Pavel Durov, its CEO and founder, who gave more details on the subject on the social network X. Let's take stock.
The leader therefore confirmed the good news: “As I predicted, 2024 turned out to be a very good year for Telegram. For the first time in three years of monetization, Telegram has become profitable “.
He says Telegram issued about $2 billion in debt to fund these activities, and a significant portion of it was repaid this fall ” taking advantage of favorable Telegram bond prices “. This allows the company to end the year with $500 million in cash reserves, not counting the crypto assets it holds.
This good news was made possible by the success of the Premium subscription offered by Telegram at 5 euros per month. The number of customers has tripled this year to reach 12 million out of approximately 950 million active users, specifies Les Échos.
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000It should also be noted that Telegram has 50 full-time employees and was financed mainly through the equity of its CEO Pavel Durov. Finding new sources of revenue had become essential for this messaging service if it wanted to survive in the long term.
As a reminder, Telegram's year was quite turbulent after the arrest of its CEO, Pavel Durov in France. The French justice system thus accuses him of allowing criminal activities to flourish on the service without doing enough in terms of moderation and cooperation with the authorities. Since his release, vigilance regarding illegal content seems to have increased considerably on the service. To learn more about this, you can reread our previous article here.
For the rest, the application has also been accused of maintaining disinformation networks on a global scale. Here again, Telegram intends to show its credentials in the fight against fake news. Quoted by Bloomberg, Devon Spurgeon, a spokesperson for Telegram, thus underlines:
We do this by providing users with only the content they subscribe to and by offering a verification system to help users identify official channels. We also do not use algorithms that favor sensational content.
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