< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a45bf43243a24f5963c5e9/large/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "The Canal du Midi, here in Villeneuve-lès Béziers." >The Canal du Midi, here in Villeneuve-lès Béziers. Villeneuve -lès Béziers – Dr. < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" > The work of Paul Riquet has been classified as World Heritage of LSQUO; UNESCO in 1996. Since 2017, it is also its surrounding landscapes that are protected.
< P > The heritage status of the Canal du Midi is subtle and technical. In 1996, the work was classified as the heritage of UNESCO humanity, notably because < EM > “This is one of the most extraordinary civil engineering achievements in the era Modern “, according to the site of the UN organization. < P > France being signatory to the UNESCO charter, it transcribes the following year this resolution in French law. Under the 1930 law relating to the protection of natural monuments, the Canal du Midi is therefore classified historic site and it is all its public river domain which is then concerned. < P Class = "Std-elt_inline" > < Strong > Read also: & quot; we do it for the Canal du Midi & quot; : in Villeneuve-lès-Béziers, inhabitants and Marie Unis against the establishment of a new 5G branch < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > Tampon zone UNESCO < P > In 2017, a decree expanded this protection to all the landscapes surrounding the work of Paul Riquet. It is therefore to two protective registers, one for the canal itself and the other for its landscapes that we have to do. The case of the 5G antenna project, located directly on the outskirts of the structure, would therefore fall under landscape protection. Except that the latter essentially cuts rural areas, at the exception of urbanized areas of the municipalities 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< P >Then comes into account the concept of UNESCO buffer zone, whose perimeter represents < EM > “The municipal limits of the municipalities crossed by the Canal du Midi and its power system”, According to a note from the Dreal. The latter also stipulates that the objective of such a zone is < EM > “to include the immediate environment of the proposed property for registration, important visual perspectives, and other areas or attributes having a role Important functional as support provided to the good and its protection “.
< P > The future antenna being on the north shore of the work, its geographical position is therefore directly part of this UNESCO buffer zone. Zone which, let us recall the, protects the landscapes generated by this masterpiece of ingeniousness that was the work of Paul Riquet, produced between 1667 and 1694. An achievement which was, in addition to a real technical feat, the door at the outset of the industrial revolution in France. I subscribe to read more