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The massive adoption of AI weighs on the cash flow of startups

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< img width = "1400" height = "932" src = "" Class = " Attachment-Full Size-Full WP-Post-Image "ALT =" Business Development and Entrepreneurship "LOADING =" "FETCHPRORITY =" HIGH "Decoding =" Async "srcset =" 1400W, 505W, 1024W, /2023/12/mertier-business-development- entrepreneurship-50x33.jpg 50W, 336W , 680w, 896W "SIZES =" (max-width: 639px) 100VW, (Max-Width: 1023px) Calc (100vw-2REM), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw - 26rem), 680px ">© Unsplash/Microsoft 365 < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" > < i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P > Artificial intelligence (IA) generative is now well installed in the professional world, and particularly among actors in the technological sector. But its adoption implies new significant expenses, which sometimes weigh on business cash flows.

< H2 > Companies spend more in computer equipment < P >These are, in any case, the results of a survey carried out by Fleet, a startup that specializes in the rental and management of computer equipment for companies. It establishes that only two thirds of companies automatize less than 25 & nbsp;% of their tasks, despite the transformative power of technology. This leaves “< EM > A margin of significant progression for its daily integration & nbsp;”, estimates the company. < P > and precisely. In order to be able to adopt AI, you need equipment capable of taking care of these extremely energy -consuming models. Thus, < Strong > 66 & nbsp;% of the companies questioned feel the need to renew their park every two years, against four to five years earlier. And 56 & nbsp;% plan to replace it specifically for AI . < P >Still in the same line, 54 & nbsp;% of societies provide a moderate or significant increase in the evolution of costs linked to the ’ IA. This corroborates a survey carried out by the Mozza design firm with tricolor startups a few weeks ago. This identified operating costs as an obstacle to the adoption of AI on a large scale. < IMG DECODING = "Async" class = "size-dull WP -IMAGE-623881" SRC = " JPG "alt =" super artificial intelligence "width =" 1500 "height =" 1000 "srcset =" 1500W , 504W, 1024W, 50W, https: //www. 336w, -1400x932.jpg 1400W, 680w, /uploads/2024/09/super-intelligence-Artificial-896x597.jpg 896w "Sizes =" (max-width: 1023px) Calc (100vw-2REM), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw-26rem), 680px " /> © Shutterstock < H2 > A technology which requires a considerable treatment power < /H2 > 60 ~ P >AI requires considerable treatment power. Without efficient computer equipment, companies are likely to come up against technical limitations, housing the efficiency of their models and the fluidity of their operations. Especially since this technology is starting to be used in a multitude of areas. Not only by developers, but also by designers for example, who exploit software more and more based on generative AI. 60 ~ P > “& nbsp; < EM > All departments will need to connect their databases and internal resources to LLM to produce results & nbsp; ”, specifies Alexandre Berriche, founder and president of Fleet , in an interview with < EM > Échos . < H2 > The prices that increase… 60 ~ P > in parallel, < Strong > Tool and applications suppliers, today Essentials in the activity of many startups, increase their prices . It can be a simple management platform as well as full office offers, like Microsoft Office or Google Workspace. Because these companies also spend colossal in AI, and the integration of technology in their offer pushes them to review their prices. 60 ~ P > The recent declarations of Donald Trump on possible customs rights against the European Union (EU) do not presage anything that is worth for French Tech. In the event of response, there are risks to see the amount of American technological products soar. To see, all the same, if the arrival of Deepseek on the market reverses the established order. The Chinese model is already praised by the ecosystem of French startups, and lets glimpse an EA much more economically accessible. 60 ~ Ul class = “TLDR” > < li >According to a survey, startups meet their expenses to adapt to the development of the generative AI, in particular to provide adequate material.

60 ~ li > because arrival Technology requires advanced computer equipment, capable of supporting AI locally.

< li > Office or applications suppliers also increase their prices, while 'They always incorporate more capacities of Ia.

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Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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