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The police are everywhere handing out fines - who really has the right to drive on these roads this summer ?

Many motorists have already experienced this. received fines for borrowing money the Olympic routes.

If you have recently taken your car to drive in or around Paris, you may have noticed a problem. the omnipresence of the police on the roads. And for good reason, since the activation of the Olympic lanes on July 15, the police have increased their patrols in order to track down motorists who do not respect this new system deployed. ;eacute; with the aim of facilitating the travel of participants and actors during the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For a little over a week, whether on the A1, A4, A12, A13, A104 motorways, on a large part of the Parisian ring road or in certain streets of the capital, not coming across a police officer is almost a miracle.

And if these Olympic routes were é "activated" more than ten days before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, scheduled for July 26, it was certainly not for do prevention. During the first two days, more than 400 verbal proceedings were taken. dressed és à against the drivers who had posed the wheels of their vehicle on the left lane, the one now reserved for traffic. a certain category of motorists. But precisely, who really has the right to drive on these roads? Not everyone knows.

The police are everywhere handing out fines - who really has the right to drive on these roads this summer ?


Because while the Olympic routes are clearly indicated by road signs and by a "Paris 2024" marking on the ground, there is no mention of for which they are intended, as is the case for bus or taxi lanes, for example. In fact, only five categories of vehicles are authorized to use them:

  • vehicles of accredited persons
  • taxi vehicles
  • public transport vehicles
  • vehicles intended for promote the transport of people with reduced mobility
  • emergency vehicles and safety (firefighters, Samu, police…)

Individuals, nor goods delivery people or VTCs, are not authorized to travel on the Olympic routes. It is important to know this so as not to go beyond the law. Several motorists have learned this from their experience. their expenses in recent days. Obviously not worried about being the only ones there. driving in the left lane, they wereé caught by the patrol. And this is only the beginning! Because if the police have been particularly present until then ;, she will soon be supported by cameras. These will be able to read the registration plates of vehicles that will travel on the 185 kilometers of Olympic routes. If the plate numbers do not appear in the Authorized Vehicle File (FVA) updated available to law enforcement, then offenders will receive a ticket a few days later.

Given the device deployedé for almost ten days, it seems difficult to slip through the cracks. And if it is tempting to move to the left in order to avoid the traffic jams caused by these Olympic lanes, the amount of the fine should normally be sufficient &agrav; put your thoughts back in place.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116