< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.mages.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a588a3f43f217db8392ebd/large/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "Last October, small work took place on the municipal nautical center and manufacture of wooden panels." >Last October, small work took place on the municipal nautical center and manufacturing of wooden panels. < P > Youth engagement sites are back. Intended for young people between 14 and 25 years old, they consist in carrying out small works of general interest, against compensation and personalized monitoring.
< p > strong of its success in the year Past, this project was renewed by the municipality in 2025. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< P >At the rate of four sessions per year during the school holidays, these projects aim to promote the access of adolescents and young adults to the laws of law for training and professional and social integration.
< P > supervised by a technician and youth animators, the young people carry out small work for the municipality of Frontignan La Peyrade. At the end of the site, each participant receives a diploma in citizen engagement.
< H2 class = "txt-int" >< B > Retrospective 2024 < /B >< P >Last year, four projects were carried out: in February, construction of recovery wood furniture for the Kifo space; In April 2024, cleaning and new layer of paint for the chalets of the municipal nautical center, refreshing outdoor spaces, various repairs; In July, complete renovation of the House Club of Olympique La Peyrade and in October, small work on the municipal nautical center and manufacture of wooden panels used during the youth engagement ceremony on November 27, 2024.< P > A thirty young people participated in these sites.
< P >< I > “Many requests could not Be satisfied , indicated the municipality, before giving more elements on the project. 150 €. < P > but more than a remuneration, they create link with the info-game service. Also give them advice and tracks for the continuation of their studies and their training. “< H2 class =" Txt-Int ">< b > les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les les construction sites 2025 < P > 4 Sites youth engagement are planned during the coming year: the first, from February 17 to 21, will renovate ASFAC changing rooms. Then other sessions will follow from April 14 to 18, from July 7 to 11 and from October 20 to 24. < I > Registration with the Youth Service: Maison Voltaire, Boulevard Victor -Hugo; Such. 04 67 18 54 84 or 04 67 18 54 31; Mail: info.jeunes@frontignan.fr.corres light Midi Libre: 06 78 75 48 78