Nasdas' account has disappeared from Snapchat. youtube video Alohanews
Since Monday, January 20, 2025, the account of Nasdas, the Snapchatter from Perpignan, is no longer available on the messaging service.
He is the most followed person in France on Snapchat: Nasdas. Followed by more than 8 million people, the account of the famous Perpignan native suddenly disappeared this Monday, announce our colleagues at L’Indépendant.
A lot of people follow the @naslachiennete account. But since Monday, around 10 p.m., another message occurs when searching for his profile. “We are sorry, this content could not be found”, we can read.
Nasser Sari, his real name, films life in the Saint-Jacques neighborhood in Perpignan, where he is from, almost daily. Shortly before the summer of 2024, the young man followed by millions of people had decided to leave Snapchat and the world of social networks in general. “That's it, I think it's the end of the dog. The end of more than 5 years on Snapchat, sharing my daily life”, he had indicated.
But last October, to the great surprise of his audience, he made his big comeback. Since then, he has been breaking records. A few weeks ago, the French Snapchatter exploded the number of views in 24 hours, with 40 million.
The sudden disappearance of the popular Nasdas surprised many Internet users, to their great dismay. But it could probably be a bug in instant messaging and sharing photos and videos. The one who claims to be the “number 1 influencer in France” could be back soon. To be continued…
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