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Maths subject for the 2024 baccalaureate: the test revealed this Wednesday, June 19

“Maths subject for bac 2024: the test revealed this Wednesday, June 19”

BAC 2024. The mathematics test concerns more than 170,000 candidates this year. The subject of bac 2024 is revealed this Wednesday.

The essentials

  • Candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate who have chosen the mathematics test will meet either today or tomorrow in front of their paper, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. 6 p.m.
  • The maths subject of the first day of this session of the 2024 baccalaureate is available today, it is available in advance. find below, thanks to à our partnership with Studyrama.
  • Another topic will be sent to students taking the test on Thursday June 20, it will also be available on this page.

The maths subject of bac 2024 – Wednesday June 19

The Proof of Specialty is particularly important for all candidates since it counts coefficient 16 in the final baccalaureate average.


1:30 p.m. – You'll have to manage your time

During this test, candidates have 4 hours to work on 4 days. 5 independent exercises, so you have to be organized. Read the subject carefully, do not give in to discouragement, and do not spend too much time on what to do. one exercise to the detriment of another, are the keys to a methodical organization. Candidates should especially not start with convoluted formulations, the important thing in this test is precision, especially since the examiner will quickly see where the problem lies he's student wants to bring her. 

11:20 – Attention à using the calculator

If the calculator is authorized for the mathematics test, you must not forget to have taken certain precautions, otherwise it will have to remain in the bottom of the bag for the entire duration of the math exam. As shown on the copy given to candidates, the "high school type" are authorized if and only if they have an exam mode which must be activated. for the test. Without an active exam mode, only “college-style” non-memory calculators can work. are authorized.

The examination mode has the effect of blocking or erasing the device's memory when it is activated, a light signal is then & ;eacute;emitted by the device. 

09:39 – Baccalaureate candidates take the exam math proof

Welcome to this news feed, intended for à inform you about the maths subject of the 2024 baccalaureate. More than 170,000 baccalaureate candidates have chosen to take this specialty test. Follow the posting of topics online, then our comments and corrections.

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What are the special topics? maths for the 2024 baccalaureate in foreign centers ?

In French high schools abroad, the baccalaureate exams always take place before those in France. ;eacac;tropolis and overseas. For everyone, the mathematics test lasts two days. Students are called for the test on day 1 or for the test on day 2, and obviously the subjects differ from one another to the next. rent. The Internet user in partnership with Studyrama offers you to discover the subjects given to students from the four corners of the world for the ;specialty test maths of this 2024 edition of the baccalaureate (North America and Group 1).

Day 1 topic: This is topics given to candidates from North America and Group 1 for the first session of the maths test. oacute;matics.

Topic of day 2: This is Topics given to candidates from North America and Group 1 for the second session of the mathematics test .

What topics were considered likely this year?

Certain subjects regularly fall into the specialist baccalaureate. maths, this is the case of "ge&ometryétry in space", "sequences", &quot ;exponential functions, logarithm functions of nothing, of "integral calculus", "probability : succession of ;#39;éindependent proofs, Bernoulli" and the chapter "continuityé and theorem of intermediate values. These are therefore themes that should not be put aside. ;eacute;, quite the contrary.

&Conversely, there are less probable themes, this is the case of "probability' ;s : sums of random variables" and "probabilities : concentration, law of large numbers", but & also "primitives", "convexity´ ;", and chapters "composed of two functions", "combinatorics and enumeration" and geometry in space: project orthogonal of a hard point a line, on a plane. However, if these chapters drop more rarely it means that they fall sometimes, it is not safe to use. exclude that some of them make up the subjects of the specialization test. maths 2024. We must not neglect them either. 

When will the results of the 2024 mathematics test be published ?

Once the specialty test is completed, candidates enter in the waiting period until the publication of the baccalaureate results scheduled for 8&July 2024

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116