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Bac Arts subject 2024: what test and what probable subjects ?

BAC ARTS TESTS 2024. For the final years, the specialty tests art, crucial for the baccalaureate, will take place on Wednesday June 19. What are the topics ?

À less than three weeks from the start of the 2024 baccalaureate exams. All final year students will have to prepare for the 2024 baccalaureate. pass the specialty tests. Some have chosen specialist courses. on art and more precisely one of the seven disciplines to choose from which make up the subject. Whether they opted for for the visual arts, cinema, circus, dance, music, theater or history of the arts, they will have to pass two & Tests: a written test lasting 3.5 hours and an oral test lasting around half an hour. And unlike other specialty courses, their tests will only take place over one day, Wednesday June 19. < /p>

The 2024 subjects in Arts from foreign centers

Some French high schools çais & abroad have already plank on certain specialty tests, including arts specialties that can be carried out at home. writes it. Thanks to à Studyrama, here are the exams for the 2024 baccalaureate on which French high school students will be studying. abroad have had to think about it. Obviously the tests on June 19 will not be identical to those on June 19. those of other regions of the world but constitute a good means of training. Audiovisual Cinema 2024: the The proof is divided into two parts, a first part on 10 points which consisted of an analysis of an extract from the work< em style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.03em;"> High School, by Frederick Wiseman, 1968. The second part also on 10 points allowed you to choose between two subjects: an essay or a rewrite. 

For the moment, only French high schools in North America have passed. the baccalaureate tests, in the other countries concerned, the tests will take place at the beginning of June.

In order to best visualize the Arts tests that await future baccalaureate graduates, here are the subjects on which they were studied. evaluated last year for each specialty artistic. 

  • Plastic arts: the high school students who chose this specific discipline worked on two exercises. The first, &eac;evaluated é out of 12 points, they had to win. carry out a methodical analysis of a corpus of works by developing a reflection around the theme: "the representation and its relationship to reality. For the second exercise &eac;evaluatedé out of 8 points, they had the choice between a critical commentary which consisted of the analysis of the "posture of the artist in war" and a note of intent for an exhibition project, based on one of the works available in the corpus of the first part. The full thread is below:

  • Cinéma-audiovisual : là also, two tests were completed. proposed, worth 10 points each. The first is an analysis of an extract from the film Secret Beyond the Door (Le Secret behind the door) by Fritz Lang, 1947. For the second part, the candidates had to play their part. treat a subject of your choice: either a cinematic rewriting of the extract from part one, or an essay on the subject of your choice: starting from the question: "How Fritz Lang, filmmaker working à Hollywood, he plays, in The Secret Behind the Door, with European cultural references. ennes ?"

  • Circus: for this test, there was a subject composed of an analysis and study of text and the creation of a short number or show from a documentary file. The analysis focused on “The Clowns”, students were asked to reflect on the definition of clown art as the art of failure. For the second part of the test, the students had to “put on a short circus show in which a clownish figure distinguishes himself by his art of failure”. For this he was put to at its disposal a corpus of video extracts and images on the theme of the exam. 

  • Dance: candidates could choose between two subjects, one of a general nature on the evolution of choreographic art and a second relating to an analysis of documents on the relations between the spectator and the choreographer since the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Music: the test was composed of three parts. The candidate had to first describe a musical work, then write a commentary comparing it to the work. on two extracts from works that are still musical and finally produce a commentary on a document "testifying to contemporary musical life".

  • Théâthre: for the first part, the candidate had to compare two extracts from Act V of Richard III , directed by Thomas Ostermeier and Thomas Jolly, and dealing with the scene of specters. For the second part of the written test, he had to question himself about "the importance of boats and the sea" in a passage from Soulier de satin by Paul Claudel. For this he could rely on a text entitled; "The sea, terror and fascination" and present during an exhibition, organized by the BNF and the city of Brest, at the Brest cultural center, the Quartz.

  • History of the arts: the candidate had the choice between three studies of documents, one focused on the following question:  "how Does the self-portrait contribute to the emancipation of women artists. The other on the place given by the artist Charlotte Perriand to art in everyday life and finally a dissertation on the “travels of artists in Italy from the 17th to the 19th century' quot;. 

Only the corrections for the Plastic Arts and Cinema-Audiovisual Arts specialties have been received, they are written by approved professors in partnership with our partner Studyrama.

  • Corrected; of the Plastic Arts proof below:  

  • Corrected; of the cinema-audiovisual proof below:

For the disciplines circus, dance, theater, music and History of the arts, we do not have answers. However, you can consult the contents of the topics above.

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You will have understood, the main thing for you is to anticipate the tests which will fall in your discipline of the specialty. Arts. The choice is indeed possible in the new baccalaureate subject models. In addition, the adaptations made with the new reform guarantee that students are all requested on prioritized program elements. As the Ministry of National Education specifies in an explanatory guide, there is no need to duplicate all subjects or some of their components, except &agrav; take the risk of producing very complex document files & organize and too long &agrav; understand within the allotted time the test. What are these seven disciplines to choose from? Arts ? 

  • Arts/plastic arts
  • Arts/Circus arts
  • Arts/dance
  • Arts/cinema-audiovisual
  • Arts/history of arts
  • Arts/theater
  • Arts/music

The specialty test of the Arts test takes place in two parts, regardless of the discipline. The first is written, and the second oral. All the instructions, regardless of the specialty chosen, are developed by this note from the National Education which details precisely the modalities on the day. The sequence of the tests is more or less complex depending on the discipline, the most difficult at grasp being the Visual Arts, with many choices to make and test steps to respect. But don't panic, we'll explain everything to you, point by point.  

Visual Arts

The Written Test

The written test takes place in two stages. First, the student must mobilize his or her knowledge and skills to construct “an argumentative reflection on an aspect of artistic creation, induced by a corpus of three to five “works” in order to analyze a corpus of works on certain aspects of artistic creation. The second part of the test asks candidates to choose between a subject A: critical commentary on a document on art, and a subject B ;: note of intent for an exhibition project. This provision makes it possible to accommodate the candidate's choices between two different avenues of reflection, two types described, in other fields of questioning in the programs only for the part.

The oral test

It is based on one or more plastic practices, approaches and productions selected by the candidate as part of the project he carried out ; throughout the year. For 10 minutes, the student will present their project to the student. a jury which &agrav; his turn will be able to ask him questions for around twenty minutes. 

Arts/circus arts

The written proof

The candidate will choose between two subjects, each relating to one of the two questions listed in the restrictive program for the Terminale class. For the year 2023-2024, the national restrictive program is as follows, indicated the Ministry of Education national:

  • A circus work: Circus here – Johann Le Guillerm: The attraction project, a work in evolution;
  • A theme: Magic!

The oral test

This oral part of the specialty test circus arts lasts 30 minutes. It is divided into two parts: an artistic proposal of 4 & 6 minutes, presented alone or separately four maximum and graded out of 12 points. This issue will then flow into an individual interview of around twenty minutes with the jury, noted in the interview. out of 8. The candidate must present themselves with a presentation note of the creative process of two pages maximum which they will provide to the jury.


The written proof

Là again, you will have to make a choice between two subjects. This test is subject to an adaptation: it will consist of the proposal of two subjects calling on two different entries from the restrictive final year program. The first subject will have as its theme a link with the culture of choreography and the second part of the test will be dedicated to &agrav; document analysis. Since the start of the 2022 school year, the theme of study is dance: a questioning of the world. quot; includes two subcategories according to the restrictive program of the ministry.

  • Post-modern dance, artistic movement of the 1960s-1970s
  • The artistic approach of Maguy Marin

The oral evidence

The assessment will focus on a choreography from 3 to 3 years old. 6 minutes, with the Still, candidates have the opportunity to apply. to pass individually or in a group (up to 4 people). Followed by an interview part with the jury. The choreography counts for 12 points and the answers to the jury 8 points. 


The written proof

The writing will have as its first part an extract from a work from the program. know:

  • Ready Player One by Steven Spielberg, fiction, 2018
  • Secret beyond the door by Fritz Lang, 1947
  • I Vitelloni (The Vitelloni) by Federico Fellini, 1953

After this analysis, the student will have to choose from two subjects: either a film rewriting project and the or so a question for reflection à using a corpus of documents. During the test, the extract is viewed. three times.

The oral test

The oral lasts 30 minutes and will be divided into different sections. in three parts: presentation of the high school student's creation project, then question on this creation by the jury and finally, the jurors will ask additional questions. Elementary on the subject. It is also necessary to prepare in advance an audiovisual production and a creative notebook which must be sent to the jury no later than 15 days before the ;#39;éproof. 

Arts/history of the arts

The written proof

For the written part, the student will have the choice between three subjects. Either a dissertation or a composition written in connection with several documents. For the year 2022-2023, the three questions retained to revise for D-Day are as follows, indicated the ministry. :

  • An artist in her time: Eugène Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879)
  • Arts, city, politics and society: the artists' journey to Italy, 17th-19th centuries
  • Objects and issues in the history of the arts: women, femininity, feminism

The oral evidence

The oral test also lasts 30 minutes, the high school student draws one of the three proposed themes, which he/she will have previously chosen. by&eac; ahead of the test, and will have to give a presentation on the subject. on this topic. The last 15 minutes will be interactions with the jury. 


The written proof

The description takes place in two stages with first a question on eight points and then a formulation based on written by the student linked to the a work from the program à know:

  • A journey as an actress: Dominique Blanc, based on reference recordings following: Phèdre, directed by Patrice Chéreau (2003); The Marriage of Figaro, directed by Jean-Pierre Vincent (1987); Angels of America, directed by Arnaud Desplechin (2020).
  • Shakespeare, Richard III, based on the productions of Thomas Ostermeier (2016) and Thomas Jolly (2017).

The oral evidence

The test consists of two parts: a theatrical proposal inspired by a work from the program following a random draw. The student will have 10 minutes to perform an excerpt from the play, which he or she will have prepared for 30 minutes at the result of the draw. Then he will have to answer the jury's questions on the logbook filled out during the year as well as on the theatrical proposal made at the beginning of the test.


The written test

This written test is made up of three exercises. Please note: the first two exercises are based on the repeated broadcasting of recorded musical extracts, with a subject that must be discussed in detail. be the same for all candidates gathered in the same room. The first is the description of a brief extract from a work which is not in the program of the year, the second is the comparative commentary of two extracts from works. Then will come the third exercise, which consists of a written commentary. one or more documents testifying to contemporary musical life. From the same body of document, the candidate will have the choice to address one of the two questions asked. This third exercise, specifies the Ministry, does not require any particular knowledge but rather “the expression of expression.” ;a personal analysis and reflection of the document(s) provided. Among the revision program planned by the ministry:

  • Jean-Philippe Rameau/Clément Cogitore : Les Indes galantes, 4th entry e " The Savages " – Production of the Paris Opera, October 2019;
  • Robert Schumann, Carnival (extracts): the extracts are present in this ministry document. 
  • Electronic music: Jazzrausch Bigband, album Dancing Wittgenstein, 2018; Jeff Mills, Orchester national d'&Ile-de-France, Light From The Outside World, concert recordedé &agrav; Salle Pleyel on September 23, 2012.

The oral evidence

For the oral part of the musical test, the candidate orally presents and performs a "collective creation& ;developed during the final year" with a short presentation in addition. Then during the second part of this 30-minute test, the high school student will have to answer questions from the jury, they will relate to the first part of the test. Prior to this test, he must transmit a summary document and a graphic representation relating to his project and developed throughout the the year. This document is à written by his teacher.

A priori, the results of the specialty tests are generally correct. Arts will be available on July 8   from 8:00 a.m., at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and grand oral). The fact that specialist teaching being evaluated a little earlier does not influence the publication of the results.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116