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Subject Bac NSI Digital and computer sciences 2024: tests and probable subjects

“Bac NSI subject Digital and computer sciences 2024: tests and probable subjects”

SUBJECT NSI BAC 2024. A few days before the specialty test. NSI, here is a preview of the subjects and what will need to be done during this 2024 edition of the baccalaureate.

There are only a few days left for final year students to complete their final revisions before taking the baccalaureate exams. ;eacute;at. Among all these students, some have chosen to specialize in teaching. digital and computer sciences and must prepare for the future. a written test and a practical test.

The written test will take place on June 19 and 20, 2024, between 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in mainland France. present on Wednesday and the other part on Thursday and of course the subjects of the tests will be different. Each student, regardless of the date of their visit, will have 3.5 hours to complete three compulsory exercises that they will discover at the time of the # 39;étest and which will all relate to themes studied in progress. This written test, which will count for 12 points of the final mark, is a non-negligible passage in terms of scale and points à reap.

NSI 2024 subjects in foreign centers

The foreign centers of North America are currently the only ones available. having passedé the baccalaureate exams, everywhere else they should take place during the first half of June, a few days before the mainland. For the 2024 baccalaureate session, students from North America had to look at 3 exercises relating to the different Recent themes studied since the beginning of specialist teaching digital and computer sciences. If these are obviously not the subjects which will fall in the other examination centers on the day of the baccalaureate, they are nonetheless solid tools for revisions for June 19 and 20.

Subject of the 2024 NSI baccalaureate in North America, day 1:

Subject of the 2024 NSI baccalaureate in North America, day 2: 

In 2023, candidates for the digital and computer science baccalaureate had 3.5 hours to complete three exercises. A first part of students registered at this specialty had passed on Monday March 20 and had due work on 3 of the concepts covered in the program: "relational databases and SQL language", "networks" and “object-oriented programming in Python and algorithms”. As for the final year students who passed the following day, Tuesday March 21, their exercises focused on: "network protocols", "relational databases and SQL language" and "binary trees, files and object-oriented programming".

Topic for Monday, March 20: 

Topic for Tuesday, March 21: 

With our partner Studyrama, we invite you to find the answers to last year's NSI baccalaureate exams. These corrections are suggested corrections produced for Studyrama by specialized professors.

Corrected from Monday March 20:

Corrected; from Tuesday March 21:

Since 2023, students who have chosen specialist education have digital and computer sciences can no longer choose from five possible exercises. From now on, they must all work on three compulsory exercises which focus on different themes studied during the course # 39;teaching. There are six of these themes, but only five of them can fall on the day of the test. < /p>

In addition, the Ministry of National Education has classified the topics of each subject between the chapters likely to be evaluated this year, and those which are not evaluable &agrav; the specialty test, making revisions easier. Among these themes you can find in your exercises:  

  •  Data Structures
  •  Databases
  •  Hardware Architectures, Operating Systems, and Networks
  •  Languages ​​and programming
  • Algorithmic

Five sections divided into 2 à 4 chapters

Data Structures section

  • Data structures, interface and implementation
  • Object programming vocabulary: classes, attributes, methods, objects
  • Lists, stacks, files: linear structures. Dictionaries, indexes and keys
  • Trees: hierarchical structures. Binary trees: nodes, roots, leaves, left subtrees, right subtrees

Databases section

  • Relational model: relation, attribute, domain, primary key, foreign key, relational schema
  • Relational database
  • SQL language: query and update requests day of a database

Rubric Hardware architectures, operating systems and networks

  • Management of processes and resources by an operating system
  • Routing protocols

Languages ​​and programming section

  • Recursion
  • Modularity
  • Program development. Bug management.

Algorithmic section

  • Algorithms on binary trees and binary search trees
  • Method "divide and conquer"

The Proof of Specialty of NSI is divided into two parts. The first is written and the second is practical. For the written part, which counts for 12 points out of 20 in the evaluation of the subject, the candidate must carry out & nbsp;the three exercises imposed on him. He has 3h30 to respond to your question. these three exercises, knowing that each of them is worth 4 points. For the practical part, which can bring in up to 8 points out of twenty, it involves solving two exercises on the computer in one hour of allotted time.

For the content of the test, one of the two exercises must concern the predominant entries of the programs. In all cases, this test assesses the technical skills of candidates on the subjects studied during the year .

A priori, the results of the test of speciality Digital and Computer Sciences will be available on July 8, at the same time as the results of the other tests .

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116