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Brazil: ex-footballer Robinho arrested after his last appeal was rejected

Ex-footballer Robinho wasé stopé &agrav; Santos, Brazil, after the Supreme Court rejected his request for a reprieve on Thursday to serve his nine-year prison sentence. which he was é condemned in Italy for rape.

“The detention order is maintained (…) so that he can begin serving his sentence,” Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Luiz Fux said Thursday evening.< /p>

Robinho's lawyers appealed to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on Wednesday in the hope that it would suspend the incarceration order.

Federal police told AFP that Robson de Souza, his real name, was arrested in the port city of Santos, where he lives.

A short video, published by the Globo channel, shows the former Manchester City striker inside the police headquarters.

Robinho, 40, will be transferred to Tremembé prison, some 150 km from Sao Paulo (south-east), a member of the federal police told the press.

The former player's main counsel, José Eduardo Alckmin, told local media that he would appeal Mr. Fux's decision, in the hope that it would be overturned by the full court. Supreme Court.

The former striker with 100 caps with the five-time world champions was found guilty of gang rape of a young Albanian woman who was celebrating her 23rd birthday in a Milanese nightclub. The facts date back to 2013, when he played for AC Milan.

The sentence was confirmed by the Court of Cassation of Italy in January 2022.

The former footballer, has always proclaimed his innocence, as he did once again on Sunday, attributing his conviction to “racism”.

Brazil: ex-footballer Robinho arrested after his last appeal was rejected

The Brazilian federal police station in Santos, where Robinho is detained, March 21, 2024 © AFP – Miguel SCHINCARIOL

“It was consensual. I never denied (having had relations with the victim, editor’s note). I could have denied it because my DNA was not found, but I am not a liar,” said – he said during an interview with the Brazilian channel TV Record.

According to the indictment, Robinho and five other Brazilians had made their victim drink “to the point of leaving her unconscious and unable to defend herself” and then had “sexual intercourse several times in a row” with her.

As the player had returned to the Brazil at the time of the trial in Italy in 2017 and the Brazilian Constitution does not allow the extradition of its nationals, Italian justice had demanded that Robinho serve his sentence in his native country.

< p>A request that the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) of Brasilia accepted on Wednesday, by a large majority.

– “Immediate effect” –< /p>

The president of the STJ Maria Thereza de Assis Moura signed on Thursday afternoon the document recording the decision “with immediate effect” of this high court, allowing a judge in Santos (south-east) to issue a committal warrant.

Brazil: ex-footballer Robinho arrested after his last appeal was rejected

Journalists wait in front of the luxury residential complex where Robinho lives, March 21, 2024 in Guaruja, near Sao Paulo © AFP – Miguel SCHINCARIOL

This legal drama is particularly commented on in Brazil, while another rape case involves another Brazilian star, Daniel Alves. The former FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain full-back, imprisoned in Spain, was sentenced at the end of February to four and a half years in prison for the rape of a young woman in December 2022 in a nightclub in Barcelona, ​​a sentence very lower than the requisitions of the prosecution which demanded nine years in prison.

Robinho will not be able to pay for his freedom while waiting for all appeals to be exhausted because Brazil “n “does not authorize bail” for the crime he committed, criminal lawyer Leonardo Pantaleão told AFP.

Thursday, Leila Pereira, president of the Brazilian club Palmeiras, has criticized the silence of football governing bodies regarding these two rape cases involving football stars in Brazil.

“No one says anything (…) It's like a slap in the face to all of us”, lamented, during an interview with the news site UOL, who is one of the rare women at the head of a first division club around the world.

The President of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva estimated that Robinho must “pay the price of his irresponsibility” for an “unforgivable” crime. Then affirmed that “the money that Daniel Alves has”, which can be released to him on probation against the provision of a high deposit, “cannot redeem the offense of a man towards a woman he raped “.

All rights of reproduction and representation reserved. © (2024) Agence France-Presse

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116