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DIRECT. Vans attacked in Incarville (Eure): the hunt continues, who are the attackers ?

“DIRECT. Vans attacked in Incarville (Eure): the hunt continues, who are the attackers?”

In the Eure, several men attacked the prison convoy loaded with prisoners. to transfer a detainee, close to the Incarville toll gate. Two deaths are à To deplore, three prison officers are also seriously injured.

The essential

  • Two prison vans were taken into custody. attacked this Tuesday in the Eure at the level of the Incarville toll. 
  • The attack took place while the prison convoy was carrying out its attack. the extraction of a detainee from Rouen to Evreux.
  • Two prison officers died after the attack. The inmate fled with the attackers. 
  • Known by the nickname "The Fly", Mohamed Amra, 30 years old, transferred detaineeé via the convoy is very unfavorably known to the police and justice services.


19:34 – "How can we take away lives like ça ?" reacts the mother of Mohamed Amra

Interviewed by RTL, the mother of the detainee who The escapee, Mohamed Amra, showed his incomprehension of the facts that are alleged against him. his son. "How can we take away lives like ça ?" she asked, ensuring that she had not been attacked. aware of his intentions. “He didn't show me anything, I don't understand,” she said. 

18:46 – Mohamed Amra had already attempted to escape.. Sunday

According to information from franceinfo, but also the confidences of Mohamed Amra's lawyer à BFMTV, the thirty-year-old had already attempted to escape on Sunday while he was in the city. the Evreux remand center. He had then literally seen it. the bars of his cell. "This éelement suggests that there was an attempted escape in preparation", confides Me Hugues Vivier, who for his part said "completely stunned" by the events of the day. 

17:58 – The fugitive linked to organized crime

According to France 3 Normandie, "La Mouche", the nickname of Mohamed Amra, would also be associated with to organized crime. "He has notably beené involved in drug cases, but also kidnapping, sequestration and attempted homicide. On the other hand, it would not be recorded like a radicalized inmate. This Tuesday afternoon, the fugitive and his accomplices are still on the run.

17:36 – Mohamed Amra à the head of a network ?

According to a source close to the matter à the AFP, the detained on the run, Mohamed Amra would be involved in involved in drug trafficking and is also suspected of being involved in drug trafficking. for having sponsored the murders linked to these traffics. "He is à the head of a network" reports TF1/LCI according to another source close to the matter.

17:29 – A call to block prisons

According to information from Ouest France, Force Ouvrière (FO) penitentiary, calls on all professions linked to prisons to disengage and blockades. BFMTV adds that the Lunes prison, Les Baumettes and the Draguignan penitentiary center will be blocked from this Wednesday by union action.

16:50 – The fugitive was not “particularly reported" (DPS)

Contrary to the first information published this Tuesday, the detainee on the run “was not a particularly high-profile detainee” ;quot; DPS, indicatedé the Paris prosecutor's office with TF1/LCI. According to a source &agrav; According to the AFP, the prison convoy did not have a police or gendarmerie escort. Escorts are generally reserved for prisoners who are particularly closely monitored.

16:40 – The Eure prefecture sets up a crisis unit

"A crisis unit is in place à the prefecture of Eure, around the prefect" can we read on X (formerly Twitter). "A psychological support unit can be reached for witnesses of the attack by dialing 15".

16:24 – Who is Mohamed Amra, the detainee on the run since Tuesday ?

The man who was killed released by the attackers was quickly destroyed. identified by the public prosecutor of the Republic of Paris. This is Mohamed Amra, a man born in early 1994, which was "particularly monitored".

15:10 – Gabriel Attal's tribute from the National Assembly

< p>"This morning two prison administration officers died while carrying out their duties" indicated Prime Minister Gabriel Attal from the National Assembly. "The Republic wasé attacked. The republican order was destroyed. targeted, it is the refusal of impunity at which we shot. I want to pay tribute to them. Our pain is that of an entire country shocked; by this attack of unprecedented violence, by the cowardice of these authors" he continues.

15:05 – The authors "will be punishedé the height of the crime they committed" assures Dupond-Moretti

"Everything will be done to find the perpetrators of this despicable crime" saidé the Minister of Justice. "These are people for whom life weighs nothing. They will be arrested, judged and punished according to their circumstances. the height of the crime they committed" continues the Minister of Justice this Tuesday early in the afternoon. 

14 :56 – The Paris public prosecutor's office refers the matter to the Central Office for the Fight against Crime. organized

The Paris public prosecutor's office has referred the matter to the Central Office for the Fight against Crime. organized crime and the Rouen judicial police of the investigation into the offenses of "murder and attempted murder by an organized gang", " éescape and organized gang", "acquisition and possession of weapons of war" and "criminal association with a view to committing a crime".  

In a press release, the Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau has just announced that the man who fled after the attack on the convoy was a " ;kept particularly supervisedé" (DPS).

14:45 – An escape attempt two days earlier

Nicknamed "The Fly", the fugitive who was é on board the prison convoy at the time of the attack, Mohamed A., had attempted to kill him. to saw the bars of his cell two days earlier, according to a prison source from Le Parisien. He was then é placed in a disciplinary unit and his supervision level had been reduced. éhighé &agrav; "Escort 3".

14:42 – The convicted fugitiveé &agrav; 18 months in prison

The hunt continues at the beginning of the afternoon. The inmate on the run after the attack this Tuesday morning is now on the run. 30 years old. He was é condemned &agrav; 18 months in prison last Tuesday by the judicial court of Evreux for aggravated thefts, in particular thefts in supermarkets and businesses in the suburbs of apos;&Evreux between August and October 2019. He is also indicted for attempted homicide & Saint-Étienne du-Rouvray and à Marseille for intentional homicide committed on June 17, 2022 & Aubagne on a resident of Dreux, in a drug trafficking case, according to information from BFMTV.

14:30 – Prognosis vital engaged for two prison officers

According to information from Le Parisien, two prison officers are still in critical situation: "The vital prognosis of two of them are at the moment whenù I am speaking to you committed&eac;" saidé the Minister of Justice this Tuesday. A third was released from the hospital after an injury to his body. the ear, always from everyday life. 

14:23 – The Epervier plan launched, how it works ?

The Epervier plan was launched triggered since late morning. This device launchedé by the gendarmerie allows important searches to be carried out to find a common law fugitive. It mobilizes all units on the ground for a given time. and within a defined perimeter. The system also makes it possible to involve the departments bordering that of Eure and to set up checkpoints at the same time. strategic points. In total, 200 gendarmes were mobilized after the attack on the prison convoy this Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

14:19 – "Our country is in mourning" declares Eric Dupond-Moretti

"Our country is in mourning" reacted the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, after the attack on the prison convoy. Emu, the Minister of Justice indicates that two men are dead, "one of them leaves a wife and two children who were to celebrate their 21st birthday in two days". "The other leaves behind a five-month pregnant woman, parents and of course friends" he added.

Two prison vans were taken into custody. attacked this Wednesday, May 14 in Eure. According to information from Le Figaro, three prison officers were arrested. killed in this robbery at the Incarville toll booth, at Val-de-Reuil (Eure). Several armed men attacked the convoy which was transporting a detainee, the latter fled with the attackers. He is known to the courts for attempted homicide, according to Le Parisien.

The plan "Epervier" triggered, 200 gendarmes mobilized

Two vehicles, a white Audi A5 and a BMW 5 series attacked the prison van during the extraction of an inmate from Rouen towards Evreux. At the request of law enforcement, national road 154 was closed. closed in the Evreux-Louviers direction at interchange 4 for an indefinite period announces Bison Futé.

A flagrant investigation was carried out. opened by the Paris judicial court and entrusted to Junalco, specializing in criminality organized. The "Epervier" was é triggered, more than 200 gendarmes were mobilized. Helicopters are currently flying over the area to try to find the fleeing individuals. Gendarmes from the local search section as well as the central GIGN are mobilized. 

"All means are in place to find these criminals"

The Minister of Justice indicated; on the crisis unit of the Ministry of Justice", while addressing "its thoughts" to "victims and à their families and &agrav; their colleagues. The Minister of the Interior G&rald Darmanin presents his sincere and saddened condolences to the bereaved families and agents of the Ministry of Justice. All means are being used to find these criminals. On my instructions, several hundred police officers and gendarmes are mobilizedé he declared. Finally, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron affirms that “the Nation stands alongside the families, the injured and their colleagues.” ;egrave;gues". "We will be intractable" he saidé on X. 

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116