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Europeans 2024 in Germany, Spain, Italy... What is the result of the election in the other countries ?

Europe voted the weekend of June 8 and 9, 2024. What are the results in all countries of the European Union and the consequences of the votes, particularly in Germany, Italy and Spain.

720 members make up the European Parliament and France has only 81 deputies out of this group. If the results in France of the 2024 European elections have been confirmed, Particularly scrutinized on Sunday June 9, the issue was indeed European and the votes of our neighbors just as crucial in determining the political orientations of the future Parliament and the balance of power between the different groups.

The seats of the European Parliament are distributed among the 27 member countries of the EU in proportion to their number. the population of each country: the more populated a country is; the more people there are in the hemicycle. The texts, however, provide for a minimum of six seats for the least densely populated countries of the EU, namely Malta, Luxembourg and Cyprus. Conversely, Germany is the country most represented in the world. with 96 elected officials. France comes next with 81 deputies and the top five is completed. by: Italy (76 MEPs), Spain (61 MEPs) and Poland (53 MEPs). oacute;s). All other countries have between 33 and 7 elected.

After the broadcast of the first estimates of the results, refined throughout the night, the new face of the European Parliament is taking shape. The EPP, which brings together right-wing parties including Les Républicains in France, obtains the most seats with an estimate of 184 in front of the socialist and democratic group credité of 139 seats. Followed by the centrists of Renew, which includes Renaissance around Emmanuel Macron (80 seats) and the conservatives of ECR ​​(73 seats). The Identity group and Democracy where takes part in the National Rally, obtains 58 seats ahead of the Greens with 52 elected deputies. Far-right parties are on the rise since the Identité and Democracy gains 8 seats compared to the last election while the environmentalists lose 19 seats.

What majority? in the European Parliament ?

It is therefore a rather divided European Parliament. which is emerging but a majority could emerge via a coalition between the EPP, Renew and the social-democratic group, as since 2019. Discussions should be numerous in the coming weeks while the Identité and Democracy and the Conservative and Reformist group could also join forces, without however obtaining a majority, but being able to influence the votes with more than 130 European deputies.

The results of the European elections in Germany

With the largest number of elected representatives in the European Parliament, Germany has a significant impact on the composition of the European Parliament. German elected representatives were until now mainly distributed between the traditional right group, the EPP and the Greens with 30 and 25 respectively. ;eacute;lus.

And this is the main lesson of the election since the Greens appear to be in sharp decline among our German neighbors, leaving the CDU sitting with the EPP clearly in the lead ahead of a breakthrough by the far-right party, the AFD. The Greens only obtained 12 European seats, or 9 fewer than in the previous election while the AFD gained 6 seats. more European MEPs, and will have 15 European MEPs, distance from the CDU which retains its 29 seats. Note that the AFD comes mainly in the lead in the Länder of the former East Germany.

The results of the European elections in Italy

Italy is one of the bastions of the far right in the European Parliament and the 2024 European elections have confirmed this. gives it. The Fratelli d'Italia party, of the head of government Giorgia Meloni, comes first and obtains 24 seats, or 14 more than in 2019. A historic victory for Meloni and FDL who sit in Parliament with the CRE elected officials. The Democratic Party, which sits with the PS in Europe, follows with 22 seats, 6 better than in previous elections European. In third place, we find the 5-star Movement with an estimate of 8 seats, 3 more than before. The big loser is Lega, the Northern League, completely overwhelmed. &agrav; right by the breakthrough of Meloni and FDL. The party, which sits within Identité and Democracy like the RN, lost 14 seats according to first estimates, and only retained 8 European deputies.

The results of the European elections in Spain

In Spain, these 2024 European elections have resulted in on two big lessons: the success of the right-wing PP party which obtained 22 seats of European deputies, or 9 more than # 39;in 2019, and the slap in the face for the centrists of Ciudadanos who would lose their 7 European deputies and leave Parliament.

PP, which sits with the EPP in the European Parliament, finally overtook the party. the socialists of the PSOE who follow with 20 seats, one less than in the previous European election. Vox gets 6 seats and Ahora will have three elected officials. The other loser is called Podemos since the radical left party loses half of its vote. of the 4 seats obtained in 2019.

The results of the European elections in Poland

In Poland, the polls announced a surprise election and, indeed, the far right did not make the breakthrough seen in others country! The centrists of KO arrived at the head of the table. these 2024 European elections with 21 seats ahead of the right-wing PIS party (20 seats) which still loses 5 seats. Follows the far-right Konfederacja party which obtains 6 seats and enters parliament.

The results of the European elections in other countries

In several other countries of the European Union, right-wing and extreme forces have had the wind in their sails. In the Netherlands, the Greens of Groen-Links come first and obtain 9 seats, as in 2019, and are followed by Geert's far-right PVV party Wilders who enters Parliament with 6 European deputies. The center-right VVD party loses a seat but retains 4 European deputies. In neighboring Belgium, the vote was held. tight and saw the nationalist VB party narrowly ahead of the liberal party of the reform movement led by the former prime minister. re minister Sophie Wilmès. Both obtain 3 seats, like the NVA while the PS retains two deputy seatsé Europeans.

In Austria, the extremist party FPÖ gains three seats compared to 2019 and obtains 6 deputies in total, while the Christian Democrats of Ouml;VP lose 2 seats compared to the previous elections. In the Czech Republic, the centrists of ANO, who sit with Renaissance in the European Parliament, come first and obtain 7 seats ages of deputies, 4 more than in 2019. In Greece, the conservative New Democracy party, which sits with the EPP , retains its first place. Finally, in Portugal, the Socialist Party would come in first and according to projections obtains 8 seats of European deputies, one more than the center party -right AD.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116