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Former SpaceX employees sue Elon Musk

© Youtube (via @Farzad)

Elon Musk leaves no one indifferent and the behavior of the current boss of X, Tesla and SpaceX is once again singled out. Several former employees of his space company are suing him.

They accuse him in particular of discrimination, gender, harassment (sexual and moral) and unfair dismissal. They were all fired by the company in 2022 when the latter was experiencing significant financial problems.

These eight former engineers (four men and four women) filed a complaint on June 12. They claim to have been fired while they were preparing an open letter against Elon Musk and the company culture.

According to them, the boss of SpaceX would have voluntarily created a “ hostile environment ” by integrating into the company’s offices “&nbsp ;photographs, same and humiliating sexual comments towards women and/or the LGBTQ+ community. »

< p>Another plaintiff claims that Elon Musk runs his company by treating women as “sex objects” which he professionally evaluates “ based on their bra size. ” 

Anne Shaver, lawyer for one of the plaintiffs, adds that the dismissal which followed the denunciation of this reprehensible behavior “&nbsp ;may be considered an act of retaliation”.

It's not the first time

The eight complaints filed this week against Elon Musk only further thicken the case of the CEO of Tesla, X and SpaceX. As recently as June 11, the Wall Street Journal published a long article on the billionaire's problematic behavior.

He allegedly had sexual relations with two employees of his company. One of them, an intern at the time, has since joined the SpaceX management team. A development that is in no way healthy or natural.

In the Wall Street Journal article, a third woman testifies. She explains that she has repeatedly refused Elon Musk's advances. The latter would have asked him in particular to “ carry his children.” 

After this refusal, he allegedly publicly criticized her work and refused to give her a salary increase. In addition to these new testimonies which affect SpaceX, other employees of Elon Musk, who worked at Tesla in particular, have already criticized the behavior of the businessman.

< p>Several internal investigations have been carried out to combat racism, homophobia or xenophobia. Former employees have, for their part, taken legal action for acts of sexual and moral harassment.

Another investigation, for insider trading

In a completely different category, the Rhode Island Public Employees' Pension Fund filed suit yesterday against Elon Musk. The latter would have in fact earned billions of dollars personally by selling Tesla shares at the right time.

These stock market movements would have been carried out with privileged information. Between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, Elon Musk and his brother Kimbal sold no less than $30 billion in shares. All of these sales took place before Elon Musk publicly announced his intention to buy Twitter, a statement that sent Tesla's stock price tumbling for several weeks.

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116