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Grand oral exam for the 2024 baccalaureate: practice with AI, the good revision plan!

To succeed in the baccalaureate exam, nothing is more effective than practicing in real conditions. And here is the ideal application for this!

Baccalaureate candidates take the grand oral exam for the baccalaureate. from June 24, 2024. This presentation on a subject previously drawn from June 24, 2024. drawn randomly and part of the panel of themes prepared during the year, has a coefficient 10 (out of 100). Coefficient which therefore surpasses that of philosophy (coeff. 8). The stakes are high, candidates must be prepared to avoid moving on to the next level. side.

Revising, studying the subjects, recording the lessons, it's good… but it's not enough. To really succeed in the grand oral exam for the baccalaureate, you have to be good… & oral! And unfortunately, students do not always have the sufficient and necessary time to put themselves in real conditions. Fortunately, technology and AI enable things that were completely unimaginable just a few years ago. And now it is possible to do major oral exams, by recording and obtaining notes and suggestions for improvement.

The Mon Grand Oral application, in fact, allows students to improve considerably. This service, approved by teachers, works on a daily basis. with the help of artificial intelligence trained on the National Education program. It leverages Google's Gemini AI model to provide such a detailed account. as possible of the student's performance. An indicative score is assigned for each pillar, as well as a list of strengths, areas for improvement and improvement. improvement and practical advice.