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History-geography subject for the 2024 patent: the test and the probable subjects

The history-geography test for the 2024 college certificate is held on July 2, what test awaits the students ;egrave;ves and what topics can they come across ?

For the thousands of students in third grade, whether they are in general or professional classes , the end of college is synonymous with the patent exam. In addition to the points earned during continuous assessment, they must pass five tests, at the end of the school year, if they wish obtain their patent diploma. After the first day of testing, on July 1, the third will have an appointment for the rest of the exams and in particular the history-geography and moral and civic teaching test on Tuesday July 2 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 11am.

They will have two hours to work on writing exercises, study of documents or relating to maps and timelines. To prepare for it in the best possible way, Linternaute invites you to discover the topics likely to come up. the history-geography test this year, as well as seeing or reviewing the subjects and the answers from the #39;year, available on this page, latest thanks to his partner Studyrama.

Three courses are evaluated during this test: history, geography and moral and civic, which multiplies the number of subjects that could potentially fall on the day of the test. Here you go some among the three materials.

In history: 

  • Civilians and soldiers in the First World War
  • The Second World War, a war of annihilation
  • France undone and occupied. Vichy regime, collaboration, Resistance
  • A bipolar world during the Cold War

In geography: 

  • Urban areas, a new geography of a globalized France
  • Low density spaces (rural areas, mountains, less urbanized tourist areas) and their assets

In moral and civic education: 

  • Citizenship French and citizenship European: principles, values ​​and symbols
  • The role of opinion in the democratic debate
  • Threats to freedom of peoples and democracy

This does not mean that it is not necessary to revise the other themes of the program, they are only about suppositions but the annals of other years show, there are often surprises in the subjects given to students. It's better to review everything before the test or risk having unpleasant surprises. 

The students of the general series work on a different subject from that of the third of the professional series. For each of the two subjects, an answer key carried out by history-geography teachers is available.

Subject of history geography for the general track:  

On the menu of last year's test : an analysis of a historical document linked to the First World War, an essay and a map complete to explain the assets and dynamics of rural areas and low density spaces; and an EMC exercise on the roles of young people in municipalities.

Corrected of the subject in general route:

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Subject of history geography for professional qualification:

It was in geography that the candidates for the professional baccalaureate had an analysis of documents relating to France and the European Union, then they had to write an essay on Europe as a theater of total wars in history in addition to filling out a timeline.

Corrigé of the subject in vocational education:

What is the coefficient of the history-geo and EMC proof of the patent?

The proof of history-geography and moral and civic education can yield up to  50 points during the college certificate, it is therefore important. At the brevet, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but by counting points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the certificate. You need a minimum of 400 points out of 800 to be accepted. Then, when you collect more points, you can get mentions: you need at least 480 for the fairly good mention, at least 560 ;for the good mention, and 640 for the very good mention.

The DNB history-geography and moral and civic education test lasts 2 hours and begins divided into three different exercises. It is graded on 50 points (compared to 100 points for mathematics, and 100 points for French): 20 ;points for history, 20 points for geography, 10 points for EMC.

  •  The first exercise is a édocument studywhich may relate to history or geography. Applicants must answer the following questions: 5 questions, including identifying the subject of the document, its context, its date and its author. There are also three questions to which you must seek the answers in the distributed document, supplementing with your knowledge.
  • The second exercise is an argument paragraph relating to the other subject. It should be around twenty lines with an introduction, a development, and a conclusion. Subsequently, depending on the discipline, candidates have a geography map or a chronological timeline. complete.
  • For proof of moral and civic education (EMC), you have to read and study two or three documents and then reply è a few questions.

The date of publication of the results of the 2024 patent varies depending on the academies of attachment but they will be available no later than Friday 12  July. And after the results, it's time for more. the celebration of students who have obtained the best grades! publican for the presentation of the brevet diplomas is organized at each school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in conjunction with educational establishments and local elected officials – mayors, departmental councilors, etc. – organize each year, ;an official presentation of diplomas obtained the previous year.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116