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MeToo hospital: sufficient measures to end gender-based and sexual violence ?

The delegate ministeré charged of Health, Fr&déric Valletoux, has just unveiled his first action plan to fight against sexist and sexual violence in France. the hospital. Proposals not always in line with the expectations of associations.

On Wednesday, May 29, caregivers gathered in front of the Ministry of Health in Paris to denounce sexist and sexual violence in hospitals and medical universities. As reports of sexual harassment multiply, the MeToo movement is now spreading to the medical sector. In particular, following the accusations made by infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe against the emergency physician and highly publicized Patrick Pelloux.

Rue de Grenelle, the gathering was initiated by the Emma Auclert collective. On Thursday morning, the delegation was received by the office of the Minister Delegate for Health, Frédéric Valletoux. The latter then detailed for Le Parisien the first measures put in place by the government to combat the scourge of sexist and sexual violence in the medical environment. These first initiatives will be followed by other announcements before the end of the summer.

Training and listening units to “reassure victims”

One of the main difficulties for a victim lies in finding an attentive and trustworthy ear in whom to confide. Voilaà why, the ex-executive, as revealed Fr&déric Valletoux in the columns of Le Parisien will set up listening cells, made up of external experts for & ;quot;give investigations the maximum chance of success" and "reassure victims". Young retirees and health professionals specialists on the subject could be requisitioned. "In conjunction with the Ministry of Justice, each public prosecutor's office will be made awareé" specifies everyday life. In addition, within three years, the medical staff of health establishments will be able to improve their skills. public must have followed training on gender-based and sexual violence. 

The ex-cutive advocates transparency to “no longer hide”

To encourage the freedom of victims to speak out, and to attempt to systematize reporting in the event of abuses, an association will be responsible for taking charge of a hotline # 39;élistening to collect reports from victims. If such a device already exists? &agrav; l'Assistance publique-Hôopiaux de Paris (AP-HP), it does not yet seem to be bearing fruit. Le Parisien indicates that the listening unit set up in 2021 gave rise to place à fewer than 300 reports, and 5% of them concerned dangerous situations. sexual and sexist character. By forcing establishments to by publishing the number of reports, investigations and sanctions given, the government hopes to gain transparency. "We won't be able to hide anymore" indicates Fr&déric Valletoux, still in Le Parisien. Finally, on the subject of the presumption of innocence, the minister specifies that “in the world of health” “the laws of the Republic also apply”, then, “reporting alone cannot lead to a criminal investigation”. automatic withdrawal and the disciplinary procedure must take its course" he recalls. However, certain specific and serious cases could give rise to à different support. 

Announcements in deçà hopes

Will these announcements satisfy unions and associations ? Not really if we refer to what the associations demanded before the first action plan unveiled by the ex-executive. The latter particularly wanted more resources. “Today, in hospitals, there are equality plans” women-men that are put in place, but these are plans that are made without budgetary and human resources" regrets a trade unionist at RMC.

They also demand a ban on changing services for an employee who is a victim of violence if she does not do so herself. not even requested, as well as the ban on practicing for students and doctors convicted by the courts. It is clear that there is not the slightest trace of this request in government announcements. For compulsory training, the government has given response elements with a long-term horizon. three years to put the system in place. Concerning the disappearance of pornographic frescoes in the guard rooms, Fr&déric Valletoux claims to have "askedé to the management to have them erased by the end of September at the latest. 

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116