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More than thirty years after its closure, the Russian embassy in Burkina Faso reopens its doors

Alexei Danichev Sputnik via Associated Press Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Captain Ibrahim Traoré, left, during a meeting in Russia last July

Russia reopened its embassy in Burkina Faso on Thursday, which it had closed in 1992, thus continuing a rapprochement with this Sahelian country led by a military regime since last year, and which seeks to diversify its partners since its break with France.

“Today we are attending the ceremony of resumption of activities of the Russian Embassy in Ouagadougou,” declared the Russian Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire accredited to Burkina Faso, Alexeï Saltykov, during the reopening of the chancellery, Thursday, early in the afternoon.

The Russian diplomat who until now resided in Abidjan but who has made regular trips to Ouagadougou in recent months, added that he would initially lead the diplomatic mission in Burkina until the appointment of an ambassador by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

The Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Appolinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambéla, the Burkina Faso Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré, other members of the government and the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Burkina Faso were present during the ceremony, noted an AFP journalist.

The Ouagadougou embassy in Moscow was reopened in 2013, after closing in 1996.

For his part, the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré, assured during the ceremony that the closure of the Russian embassy 31 years ago had not put an end to “cooperation” between the two countries, which notably includes “the training of several of our executives”.

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“25,000 tons of wheat”

Alexei Saltykov added that “Russia will continue to provide assistance to Burkina Faso for the training of specialists, national, civil and military executives”.

In addition, “we are determined to expand cooperation in the areas” of trade and economics, Mr. Saltykov said.

“We hope that Burkinabe partners will gradually expand the ranges of products purchased from Russia, including agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers, as well as equipment for the mining industry,” he continued.

In addition, “25,000 tons of wheat” representing “humanitarian aid from Russia” are “being transported to Burkina Faso,” said Mr. Saltykov.

Vladimir Putin announced during the Saint Petersburg summit in July that Moscow would deliver cereals free of charge to six African countries, including Burkina, in the coming months.

For its part, the Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday welcomed the “development” of relations with Burkina Faso.

The reopening of the Russian embassy will help “increase coordination in terms of foreign policy” and consolidate the “relations of friendship and cooperation” uniting these two countries, the ministry wrote in a press release.

Russian nuclear power plant

Since the coup d'état which brought Captain Ibrahim Traoré to power in September 2022, Burkina Faso has severed relations with France and is seeking to diversify its partners.

Ouagadougou notably obtained the departure of French troops from its soil at the start of the year, before moving closer to Russia.

An agreement was signed by the two countries in mid-October for the construction of a Russian nuclear power plant in Burkina, where less than a quarter of the population has access to electricity.< /p>

At the beginning of September, a Russian delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Defense, Younous-Bek Evkourov, went to Ouagadougou to discuss issues of development and military cooperation with Ibrahim Traoré.

The transitional president of Burkina later added that most of the equipment of the Burkina army was Russian.

“This reopening” of the Russian embassy “completes a process of rapprochement,” said Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré.

A few weeks after the last coup d'état, Burkina granted the operating permit for a new gold mine to the Russian company Nordgold, which already exploited three deposits in the north of the country .

Burkina, where gold constitutes the main mineral resource, has been facing deadly and recurring jihadist violence for several years over a large part of its territory, which has left more than 17,000 dead and more than two million internally displaced.

Ouagadougou has also moved closer to Mali and Niger — two countries led by military regimes and linked to Burkina through the Alliance of Sahel States — a defense cooperation — which also maintain relations with Moscow.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116