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New radars hover above our heads, fines will fall from the sky

New radars are available the test to track down traffic offenses and you have to look up to see them.

Fixed radar, mobile radar, turret radar, tronçon radar, urban radar, autonomous radar… Since the establishment, in 2003, of the first road radar in France, the family has grown considerably. To the great misfortune of motorists, but not that of the family, Éstate. Beyond billions of euros passed from the wallets of the French to the state coffers, these modern-day devices have also made it possible to reduce the number serious accidents and deaths on the roads. If we compare the years 2010 and 2021, there were almost 1,000 fewer deaths, the number ;going from nearly 4,000 to 1,000. 2,944 in eleven years.

The fact remains that the multiplication of radars in France – even if their number now tends to increase. stagnate – is never very well perceived by French motorists who often have the feeling of being taken for cows. milk. It is therefore not said that they already approve these new radars. experienced in the Essonne department, in Ile-de-France, and in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. If you have recently passed the through by car and you didn't see anything new, or they weren't deployed to your destination. At this point, either you haven't raised enough weight. keep your eyes rolling (which is not recommended when driving). What is it?? Drone radars, deployed for the first time in Spain, in the Catalonia region, but whose tests have multiplied since à on a European scale.

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In the future, it may be well above our heads, or rather the roofs of our vehicles, that our actions and actions will be dissected by machines. Equipped with artificial intelligence, these drones have several advantages: their extreme mobility, their discretion and their possibility, thanks to ;this à very powerful sensors, to control a large quantity of traffic violations. The first results noted here and there are also conclusive. In Essonne, in two hours, no less than 30 bikers were hit. caught speeding. The experimental phase of these drone radars does not give rise to any no verbalization, but the multiple possibilities offered by this new means of control on the roads suggest a generalized deployment. &agrav; the future.

Already Used in a lot of fields (photography, cinema, surveillance, cartography, research, delivery, entertainment…), drones could become in a few years an essential resource for health and safety. ;eac;securityé road. For motorists, some of whom have gradually become accustomed to the situation. little &agrav; adapt their behavior according to the position of the radars, the arrival of drone radars could change the situation. Because à Unlike fixed devices, the presence of which is always indicated on signs upstream, it is quite difficult to imagine a way to alert drivers of the presence of a drone above their heads.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116