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Prison, a “breaking point” for Trump supporters

Photo: Luke Hales Getty Images via Agence France-Presse Donald Trump attended a freestyle sparring matchup between Alex Morono and Niko Price in Newark on Saturday.

France Media Agency in Washington

Posted at 7:42 p.m. Updated at 7:48 p.m.

  • United States

Former US President Donald Trump, found guilty by a New York jury this week, said in an interview broadcast on Sunday that a prison sentence could be “a breaking point” for his supporters .

The Republican Party presidential candidate in November warned on Fox News that a prison sentence “would be complicated for the public to accept. You know, at a certain point, there is a breaking point.”

These words have a particular resonance in a very divided country still marked by the attack from the Capitol on January 6, 2021, when supporters of Mr. Trump attempted to prevent the certification of the electoral victory of his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

They arise also at a time when the 77-year-old business mogul is using ever more violent rhetoric towards his opponents.

Democrat elected official Adam Schiff said that with his remarks Donald Trump “clearly” incited “violence once his judgment was known”.

But “I don’t think the population is responding to this call. I hope we have learned lessons from the terrible experience of January 6,” he added on CNN.

In his first reaction since the verdict , the former porn actress at the heart of the affair which led to Donald Trump being found guilty has called on the courts to incarcerate him.

« Put him in jail,” said Stormy Daniels, 45, on the website of the British newspaper Daily Mirror.

< h2 class="h2-intertitre">“Very hard”

After six weeks of proceedings in Manhattan court, a jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 counts of accounting falsification for payments in late 2016 to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about a sexual relationship she said she had with him in 2006.

Mr. Trump categorically denies this relationship.

This verdict, the first in the history of the United States against a former president, will not prevent the billionaire from being a presidential candidate against Joe Biden, even in the event of a prison sentence.

But he immediately let his anger explode, denouncing a “very unfair” and even rigged trial – without providing the slightest proof.

Also read

  • Donald Trump found guilty across the board at his criminal trial
  • Donald Trump was found guilty, and now?

He also accused Joe Biden and his “gang” of being “sick” and “fascists” responsible for his legal setbacks.

In the interview broadcast on Sunday, the ex-president also said that his recent trial had been “very hard” for his wife, Melania, whose absence was noted among the members of his family who came to support him in court.

“She’s doing well, but I think it’s very hard for her,” he said. “She has to read all this filth. »

« Punching bag»

As for Stormy Daniels, whose silence since Thursday's verdict has been very noticed (she usually does not hesitate to comment in a sharp tone on Donald Trump's legal troubles), she ended up reacting to the Daily Mirror .

« I believe that he should be sentenced to prison and to community service for the less fortunate, or serve as a volunteer punching bag in a women's shelter,” she added with her usual freedom of tone.

In recent days, she had remained in the background and allowed her husband and her lawyer to speak in the media. Both men suggested that apprehension, even fear, had something to do with his silence.

Stormy Daniels recently said he had received death threats since the indictment of Donald Trump.

She also judged in the interview with Daily Mirror q that the Republican candidate was “completely and totally disconnected from reality”.

Testifying in court “was so intimidating, with the jurors looking at you,” said Stormy Daniels, “but like I said before, I told the truth all the time.”

The testimony of Stephanie Clifford, her real name, was one of the high points of the debates. She notably recounted in detail the supposed sexual relationship, according to her consensual, but where the “balance of power” was “unbalanced”.

“It will never be over for me,” she said. Donald Trump may be found guilty, “I still have to live with this legacy.”

Trial of Biden's son opens on Monday

Washington — The trial for illegal possession of a weapon of US President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, opens Monday in federal court, an unprecedented and risky legal episode for his Democratic father's campaign.

The opening of his trial comes at a time when the historic recognition of Donald Trump's guilt in his criminal trial in New York has not yet subsided.

The 54-year-old son is accused by federal prosecutors of lying when filling out forms to acquire a gun in 2018, in which he denied an addiction to drugs – notably crack cocaine – which he admitted to the following. Also indicted for tax fraud in another case, Hunter Biden defends himself here on three counts to which he pleaded not guilty in October.

Donald Trump creates a TikTok account

Washington — Former US President Donald Trump created a TikTok account, posting his first video on the ultra-popular social network he tried to ban when he was president.

In a 13-second video posted Saturday evening, the Republican presidential candidate in November is seen attending a freestyle sparring match in Newark, New Jersey, in the northeastern United States.

The former president is accompanied by the head of the mixed martial arts organization UFC, Dana White, who announces at the start of the video that “the president is now on TikTok”.

“It’s an honor for me,” replied Donald Trump.

As of midday on Sunday, the former president had more than two million subscribers on his @realDonaldTrump account.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116