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QS hopes Attal adheres to the policy of non-interference, non-indifference

Photo: Michel Euler Associated Press French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal will be in Quebec this week as part of the 21st alternating meeting of Quebec and French prime ministers.

Québec solidaire (QS) asks French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to confirm that his government still adheres to the formula of “non-interference, non-indifference” which has characterized Franco-Quebec political relations since over forty years.

His co-spokesperson, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, affirmed on Wednesday that, for his pro-independence party, links with the French government are important.

In 2008, President Nicolas Sarkozy broke with this concept of non-interference, non-indifference during a visit to Quebec. His successor François Hollande then returned to the traditional formula, established in the 1970s.

On Wednesday, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois expressed the hope that Mr. Attal would confirm during his visit to Quebec this week that his government, at the head of which he was appointed by President Emmanuel Macron at the start year, will be part of this tradition.

“The retreat of the Sarkozy government in 2008 on this historic French policy was a step backwards for the Quebec nation,” he declared at a press briefing. We regretted this change in France's position at the time as independentists. We always regret it. It is certain that we would like the French government to return to this position, which was much closer, I think, to what Quebecers expect from this great traveling companion. »

The PQ leader, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, reiterated that France continued to be an important element in Quebec's strategy for achieving sovereignty.

“The recognition of the greatest number of countries is [important], clearly, obviously, on the part of all the other countries, but even more so from France, because the friendship is stronger, he said at a press briefing. Our destinies have been linked for a long time. »

Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, who traveled to France to meet representatives of various political parties last year, underlined the role he gives to official representatives.

“We have always given a lot of importance to what the French state thinks about our project,” he explained.

In 1995, before the last referendum on sovereignty, French President Jacques Chirac said he was ready to recognize an independent Quebec.

Also read

  • French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal will be visiting Ottawa and Quebec this week

In a dream

The interim leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec, Marc Tanguay, affirmed that, until proven otherwise, the French position regarding the future of Quebec is that of non-interference, non-indifference. He mocked the place that Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon gives to France in his strategy of accession to sovereignty.

“In his dream of independence, of the separation of Quebec, I will let him talk to you about the role of France, but, according to the latest news, France was the non- interference, non-indifference, he said in a press briefing. It’s up to Quebecers to decide. »

The Minister of International Relations, Martine Biron, affirmed that Mr. Attal would be accompanied by ministers responsible for the Francophonie, the Economy, Higher Education and Justice on the occasion of this first alternating meeting of Franco-Quebec prime ministers since 2018.

“We are saving more, of course, but it is not reduced to the simple expression of the economy,” she said in a press briefing. Because it’s impossible for it to be like that. »

In an interview with Devoir, the former Minister of International Relations Louise Beaudoin expressed this week the wish that the government take advantage of the opportunity to reconnect with the political dimension of its relationship with France rather than limiting itself to economic questions.

On Wednesday, Ms. Biron affirmed that Quebec's diplomatic approach with France was based on two pillars.

“Yes, we are doing more economic relations, and it’s on both sides,” she said. And the second pillar is what I call identity diplomacy, what we, Quebecers, are, the Francophonie, education, the specific culture. So I think there is room for exchanges at all levels. »

Concerning the recent rejection by the French Senate of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, on free trade between Canada and the European Union, the Quebec minister was determined to demonstrate the advantages maintaining these exchanges.

“I think it’s really reflective of what’s happening in the world,” she said. That is to say, there is a tension between free trade and protectionist positions. »

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116