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Ramadan calendar 2024: prayer time, an important moment for Muslims

“Ramadan Calendar 2024: prayer time, an important moment for Muslims”

PRAYER TIME. During Ramadan, prayers and fasting punctuate the days of Muslims everywhere. very precise times.

Ramadan fasting is a demanding practice for all Muslims who comply with it. For a month until 'à the festival of Aïd, the days of millions of practicing believers are punctuated by the course of the sun and prayers. res associated à precise times, some of which mark the resumption and breaking of fasting each day. These appointments meet the Islamic lunar calendar and the Islamic calendar. the solar clock.

But with the days lengthening by a few minutes every day until the summer solstice, the times of prayer and those I'm different from one day to the next. another, and even from one city to another. the other with sometimes up to 'à an hour difference between the east of France, where the sun rises earlier, and the west where he goes to bed later. So it's difficult to observe   the letter all the traditions of Ramadan, in particular the five  daily prayers and fasting, without a precise timetable.

Ramadan is often associated with fasting to which practicing Muslims adhere, but prayers are just as important as deprivation of food. The five daily prayers – Fajr à dawn, Dohr à noon, Asser in the afternoon, Maghreb at sunset and Ishaa at dusk – these are part of the five pillars of Islam, today ;same title as fasting in the month of Ramadan or the pilgrimage Mecca. Moreover, the prayers correspond to a few minutes in advance, at the start and end times of lunch: Imsak and Iftar.

The time of Imsak to start fasting

Muslims who practice Ramadan fasting can eat in the early morning but must stop drinking and eating until early in the morning. the time of Imsak which marks the start of daily fasting. The Imsak shifts by a few minutes each day depending on the sunrise. from the sun, but always occurs 10 minutes before the time of "Fajr", the first prayer of the day.

Time for Iftar and breaking fast

The prayer of "Maghreb" is also particularly closely scrutinized. It corresponds to the moment when the sun sets and therefore marks the time of Iftar, this moment when believers can start again à eat every evening during the month of Ramadan. The meal must remain light, unlike the meal taken in the morning before starting to eat. fast again. It’s a dinner that marks the end of a day of physical and mental ascent.

What is the 2024 Ramadan calendar with prayer times ?

All the prayers of the day of Ramadan follow the movement of the sun, since the time of fasting is determined by the sun. by the rising of day and the falling of night. Muslims, following the injunctions of Ramadan, must therefore have on hand a precise calendar of prayer times. This is very difficult, since schedules change every day, due to the lengthening of the day until the summer solstice. ;eacute;. Here are the prayer times which prevail for the month of Ramadan, for the city of Paris. Note that the times of prayer and those of fasting differ depending on the geographical location of the believers: between Marseille, Paris and Bordeaux since the' Dawn and sunset do not occur at all. the same time.

Prayers are all important during the month of Muslim fasting. Believers indeed devote themselves to prayers. parentheses of introspection, reflection and meditation on their situation as well as relationships with others. Praying several times during the day This is one of the moral injunctions of Ramadan. And these prayers truly punctuate the day : 

  •  Fajr (or Fejr): the dawn prayer. This is the first obligatory prayer of the day. It marks the start of the ban on drinking and eating, which will last the whole day. It takes place after lunch. #39;Imsak, period during which the believer can still eat and the suhûr, "dawn meal".
  •  Dohr (or Dhuhr) : the prayer of early afternoon.
  • Asser: the late afternoon prayer.
  • Maghreb : prayer à practice at sunset. 
  • Ichaa: the prayer which must be performed before midnight   

The Chourouk (or Chourouq) prayer is an optional prayer recommended after the appearance of the sun, it ; place approximately 1h30 after the Fajr prayer.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116