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Result of the 2024 college certificate: discover those admitted by name and academy

“College patent results 2024: discover those admitted by name and academy”

The first results of the 2024 patent are revealed this Wednesday, July 10! Discover the admitted lists or enter a name in our search engine!

Find a DNB result by name or academy

Academy#} Academy of Aix-Marseille#} Academy of Amiens#} Academy of Besançon#} Academy of Bordeaux#} Clermont-Ferrand Academy#} Academy of Corsica#} Créteil Academy#} Dijon Academy#} Academy of Grenoble#} Academy of Guadeloupe#} Academy of Guyana#} Réunion Academy#} Lille Academy#} Limoges Academy#} Academy of Lyon#} Academy of Martinique#} Academy of Mayotte#} Montpellier Academy#} Academy of Nancy-Metz#} Nantes Academy#} Nice Academy#} Academy of Normandy#} Academy of New Caledonia#} Orléans-Tours Academy#} Paris Academy#} Academy of Poitiers#} Academy of French Polynesia#} Reims Academy#} Rennes Academy#} Academy of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon#} Strasbourg Academy#} Toulouse Academy#} Academy of Versailles#} Academy of Wallis and Futuna 2024202320222021202020192018201720162015

  • It's time for the results of the 2024 college certificate! It's finally here&#39 It's time for the verdict for the approximately 800,000 students who can discover that they dropped out of the program. the DNB.
  • All the results can be consulted from this publication page by the academy: the lists of those admitted are available at the latest. find using the search engine at the top of the page.
  • The result of the patent is clear. à different dates and times. Each academy generally announces its results. different intervals but most should be known between today and Friday. The detailed list of dates and times for the 2024 college patent results is given below.

The dates of the 2024 patent results by academy

  • Aix-Marseille: July 12   4 p.m.
  • Amiens: July 10   5 p.m.
  • Besançon : July 11 à 09:30
  • Bordeaux: July 11   1 p.m.
  • Clermont-Ferrand: July 12   2 p.m.
  • Créteil : July 12   11am
  • Corsica: July 11   11am
  • Dijon: July 11   09:30
  • Grenoble: July 11   5 p.m.
  • Guadeloupe: July 11   11am (local)
  • Lille: July 12   1 p.m.
  • Limoges: July 10   16h0
  • Lyon: July 11   2 p.m.
  • Mayotte: July 8   1 p.m. (local)
  • Martinique: July 11   11am (local)
  • Montpellier: July 11   12h
  • Nancy-Metz: July 10   2 p.m.
  • Nantes: July 11   6 p.m.
  • Normandy: July 11   10am
  • Nice: July 11   3 p.m.
  • Orléans-Tours : July 10   12h
  • Paris: July 12   11am
  • Poitiers: July 11   5 p.m.
  • Reims: July 11   11am
  • Rennes: July 10   6 p.m.
  • Strasbourg: July 10   6 p.m.
  • Toulouse: July 10   10am
  • Versailles: July 12   11am


11:25 – Prep-secondary education: going to high school without having the certificate

For the 2024-25 school year in second class, obtaining the DNB is not yet compulsory, which means that a student who & ;eac;fails &at; having your patent is not obligatory; to repeat. But something new This year, these students will be able to go through the "prepa-second" box. This class should allow them to consolidate their knowledge before moving on to second grade. the following school year. À note that access à this intermediate class, between the third and the second, is based on the voluntary participation of the students, nothing obliges them to do so. do not go directly to second.

11:10 – These students will have to wait longer than the others to have their results

If some are already there, fixed on their Brevet result, some will have to be patient. For the academies of Aix-Marseille, Clermont-Ferrand, Creteil, Lille, Paris and Versailles, the verdict will fall only Friday.

11:00 – New results coming soon!

New patent results will come out. At 12 p.m., it's the turn of the Orl&ans-Tours academy to reveal the list of those admitted. You will be able to find them on this page thanks to the search engine at the top of the article.

10:42 – Patent data in the Toulouse academy compared to last year

According to the first data transmitted by the Toulouse academy, the remuneration rate Patent success decreases by 1.07% compared to 2023. At the same time, the mention rate is increasing since 73.63% of those admitted receive a mention this year, compared to 70.38 in 2023.

10:40 – What is the success rate? Toulouse ?

The results fell to Toulouse. Out of 11,736, 10,409 dropped out. their college certificate. This brings the success rate to 100%. 88.69%. 73.63% also obtained a mention (fairly good, good or very good). 

10:30 – Understanding your continuous assessment score

Third grade students are at the same time. evaluated on the 8 subjects taught during the year, and can obtain up to 400 points or 50 points per subject. Depending on mastery of the subject at the end of the year, teachers award a certain number of points ranging from 10 points, if mastery is insufficient , &agrav; 50 points, if the mastery is very good. Between the two, the student can obtain 25 points if their mastery of a subject is considered fragile, or 40 points if the mastery is satisfactory.

10:15 – How to succeed in your second degree ?

The brevet marks the end of middle school. Next year, those who don't repeat a year will head to high school. While it's a continuation of the third year, the big new feature is the autonomy it requires. To avoid getting overwhelmed, you have to be well organized. Anticipating the work to be done and taking good notes are essential elements for the success of this new year; the pace often tends to to accelerate after All Saints' Day.

They are the first &agrav; know their results! So how many students from the Toulouse academy dropped out? the patent this year ? Discover the list of admitted candidates and their results on the page dedicated to l'académie de Toulouse. 

09:57 – How long have the él& Students wait for their results ?

As the first results arrive, the students are impatient. In fact, they have been waiting for more than a week. The tests took place on Monday July 1st and Tuesday July 2nd. So what will be the success rate this year ?

09:54 – Tests are rated on 100 points and others on 50

Of the 800 points that it is possible to obtain for the brevet, 400 points are distributed over the five final tests that the candidates have taken since then. but July. Among the four written tests, those of French and mathematics are evaluated on 100 points while those of history – Geo and science can earn up to $100,000. 50 points. The last 100 points can be obtained during the oral test.

09:50 – The results of the patent for the Toulouse academy are arriving!

First academy at publish the results of the DNB 2024, the Toulouse academy will make them available in around ten minutes. You can find them on this page using the search engine at the top of the article.

09:40 – What were the subjects of the patent ?

At the brevet, there were four written tests: French, mathematics, science and history-geography. In mathematics, the students were able to improve their skills. questioned about probabilities, equations or even geometry. In French, they had to make a dictation, take a grammar and comprehension test then a writing. In history and geography, they had to study the Second World War and France and the European Union. The moral and civic teaching exercise was focused on on Civic Service. For the sciences, it was focused on science. on physics-chemistry and technology. 

09:20 – No catch-up for the patent

The college certificate does not work with remedial courses such as the baccalaureate since it does not condition entry into second grade. This should not be confused with the replacement session on Thursday, September 19 and Friday, September 20, which is reserved for students who do not have the opportunity to do so. were unable to take the tests in July for a valid and justified reason. 

09: 07 – What to do if the patent results are bad or very bad today ?

Don't panic if candidates don't succeed. reach the 400 points necessary to achieve your goal. obtaining a certificate since this does not condition entry into second grade. Gabriel Attal had expressed the wish, but the reform which was to transform the national patent diploma was not implemented. launched and it will not be given the political upheavals of this year. A candidate can therefore access high school without having the certificate in September 2024 and even in the following years? If he wants the college diploma, he will necessarily have to repeat his year ;e of third year and try his luck again next June.

Linternaute.com invites you to find the lists of those admitted by academy on this page. It's completely free and above all very simple. A word of explanation to find a particular patent result. Find the search engine at the top of this article. Ça, it's easy. Next, enter a name, yours or that of a candidate you know. You can then click on “Search”, but even better: filter before that by academy name. With this method, the names of those admitted will appear in an instant. Then, if you click on a name, the diploma will appear, and it is even there. share with your loved ones!

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Patent results by academy

  • Patent results Aix-Marseille Academy
  • Patent results Amiens Academy
  • Patent results Besançon Academy
  • Patent results Besançon Academy Bordeaux
  • Brevet result Academy of Caen
  • Brevet result Academy of Clermont-Ferrand
  • Brevet result Academy of Corsica
  • Brevet result Academy of Créteil
  • Brevet result Academy of Dijon
  • Grenoble Academy Brevet Result
  • Guadeloupe Academy Brevet Result
  • Patent result Académie de Guyane
  • Patent result Académie de La Réunion
  • Patent result Académie de Lille
  • Patent result Limoges Academy
  • Patent result Académie de Lyon
  • Patent result Académie de la Martinique
  • Patent result Académie de Mayotte
  • Patent result Académie de Montpellier
  • Patent result Académie de Nancy-Metz
  • Patent result Académie de Nantes
  • Patent result Académie de Nice
  • Patent result Academy of New Caledonia
  • Patent result Acad'Orléans-Tours
  • Patent result Académie de Paris
  • Patent result Académie de Poitiers
  • Patent result Académie de Polynésie Française
  • Patent result Académie de Reims
  • Patent result Académie de Rennes
  • Patent result Académie de Rouen
  • Patent result Academy of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
  • Patent result Strasbourg Academy
  • Patent result Académie de Toulouse
  • Patent result Académie de Versailles
  • Patent result Academy of Wallis and Futuna

The patent is noted out of 800 points in total, combining continuous monitoring and end-of-year tests. You need at least the average to obtain the diploma, i.e. a minimum of 400 points.

Continuous assessment is taken into account in grading, including projects completed in class, and beyond. like the EPI (Interdisciplinary Practical Teaching). The assessment of the common core is based on eight skills, each of which is assessed using e in the school report à across four levels of points:  

  • 10 points for îinsufficient"mastery"
  • 25 points for a îfragile"mastery"
  • 40 pointsfor "satisfactory"work
  • 50 points for "very good" mastery

If the student manages to accumulate 50 points everywhere, he has reached the maximum possible for the continuous assessment part of the brevet, i.e. 400 points. So, he already gets half of the points. You can consult the details of the skills of the common core on the website of the Ministry of National Education.

The final exams for the college certificate therefore represent the other half of the test. of the total patent scale each year, graded out of 400 points. There are four written tests: French and maths are graded out of 100 while history-geography and science are graded out of 100. Evaluated out of 50. An oral graded out of 100 completes the exam. The latter consists of a presentation of 15 minutes dividedé in two parts: 5 minutes of presentation of a developed project. during the year and 10 minutes of interview with the jury. The present project was é worked during interdisciplinary practical lessons or the third-year internship in a company.

How to obtain a mention in the college certificate?

The three mentions of the college certificate correspond to à different levels of points obtained beyond of the average of 400 points out of 800:

  • Mention fairly good: more than 480 points
  • Mention good: more than 560 points
  • Mention very good: more than 640 points

Mentions "regional language", "college series, international option" and "Franco-German option" also exist. More information at this subject on the Onisep website, the National Information Office on teaching and professions, a public establishment under the supervision of the ministry ;era of education.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116