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Result of the 2024 European elections: all the scores party by party

“Result of the 2024 European elections: all the scores party by party”

The results of the 2024 European elections have triggered a political earthquake: the dissolution of the Assembly announced by Emmanuel Macron could reshuffle the cards.

Find your municipality to follow the results of the 2024 European elections:

  The essentials

The complete result of the 2024 European elections has been released. unveiling Sunday evening, the RN won a historic victory. Emmanuel Macron has decided to dissolve the National Assembly and provoke new elections on June 30 and July 7. A completely unexpected response, which constitutes a gigantic risk for its majority. Without a new majority relative and in the case where ù another party succeeds; build another majority, then the Attal government will be dismissed and France will enter into cohabitation.

The National Rally is the big winner this evening. Here are the scores of the main candidates with the seats obtained in the European Parliament, according to Ifop Fiduciel estimates for LCI-TF1 and Le Figaro:

  • National Rally/Bardella: 33.0%, 31 seats
  • Renaissance/Hayer: 15.0%, 14 seats
  • PS-Place Publique/Glucksmann: 14%, 13 seats
  • LFI/Aubry: 8.4%, 8 seats
  • LR/Bellamty: 7.2%, 6 seats
  • REC /Maréchal: 5.3%, 5 seats
  • EELV/All Saints' Day: 5%, 5.3 seats
  • PCF/Deffontaines: 2.5%, 0 seats


06/09/24 – 11:40 p.m. – Hayer: "You never make a mistake when you give the floor to the Frenchçais"

END OF LIVE – Not without a certain bitterness à the view of the results of the Renaissance list of the majority presidential campaign that she led to the European elections, Val&rie Hayer commented on Emmanuel Macron's speech on Sunday evening and & the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. "The President of the Republic said it: the choices of voters cannot go unanswered. He decided, this evening, to give them the floor again and to choose the project they want for their country. For me, we never make a mistake when we give the floor to the French, she judged. Will it play a role in this new campaign which is opening ? The submission of applications must take place on June 16.

09/06/24 – 23:18 – Important results this evening: those of Spain and Italy

An update in this live on important results, those of two of our main neighbors. In Spain, according to official results, the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez lost, it was the right that came in first. ;nbsp;obtained 22 seats in the European Parliament against 20 for the Socialists, the far-right party Vox progresses with 6 if` ges. In Italy, according to estimates, Giorgia Meloni's nationalist party is in the lead with 25% of voters. 31% of the votes. The center-left Democratic Party came second, followed by the populist 5 Star Movement.

09/06/24 – 11:06 p.m. – The results of Europeans very different depending on the municipalities, Nantes very different left

The results of the European elections in medium-sized cities are starting to improve. reach us, thanks to the services of the Ministry of the Interior, which communicate to us the results in real time. Significant disparities are observed. At this time, the largest city with its final results is Nantes, with the following results: Raphaël Glucksmann: 23.65%, Manon Aubry: 15.9%,   Valérie Hayer: 14.35%, Marie Toussaint: 13.63% Jordan Bardella: 11.63%, François-Xavier Bellamy: 7.65% Marion Maréchal: 4.16%,  Léon Deffontaines: 1.6%, Jean Marc Governatori: 1.44%, H&lène Thouy: 1.33%.

The European results map

  • Ain
  • Aisne
  • Allier
  • Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
  • Hautes-Alpes
  • Alpes-Maritimes
  • Ardèche
  • Ardennes
  • Ariège
  • Dawn
  • Aude
  • Aveyron
  • Bouches-du-Rhône
  • Calvados
  • Cantal
  • Charente
  • Charente-Maritime
  • Dear
  • Corrèze
  • Côte-d'Or
  • Côtes-d'Armor
  • Hollow
  • Dordogne
  • Doubs
  • Drôme
  • Eure
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Finistère
  • South Corsica
  • Haute-Corse
  • Gard
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Gers
  • Gironde
  • Hérault
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Indre
  • Indre-et-Loire
  • Isère
  • Jura
  • Landes
  • Loir-et-Cher
  • Loire
  • Haute-Loire
  • Loire-Atlantique
  • Loiret
  • Lot
  • Lot-et-Garonne
  • Lozère
  • Maine-et-Loire
  • Manche
  • Marne
  • Haute-Marne
  • Mayenne
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Meuse
  • Morbihan
  • Moselle
  • Nièvre
  • North
  • Oise
  • Orne
  • Pas-de-Calais
  • Puy-de-Dôme
  • Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • Hautes-Pyrénées
  • Pyrénées-Orientales
  • Bas-Rhin
  • Haut-Rhin
  • Rhône
  • Haute-Saône
  • Saône-et-Loire
  • Sarthe
  • Savoie
  • Haute-Savoie
  • Paris
  • Seine-Maritime
  • Seine-et-Marne
  • Yvelines
  • Deux-Sèvres
  • Somme
  • Tarn
  • Tarn-et-Garonne
  • Var
  • Vaucluse
  • Sold
  • Vienna
  • Haute-Vienne
  • Vosges
  • Yonne
  • Territoire de Belfort
  • Essonne
  • Hauts-de-Seine
  • Seine-Saint-Denis
  • Val-de-Marne
  • Val-d'Oise
  • Guadeloupe
  • Martinique
  • Guyana
  • The Reunion
  • Mayotte

European result Haute-Garonne Far left LEFT Ecologists Miscellaneous Center RIGHT Far right No result

09/06/24 – 22:49 – The government convened and gathered at this moment at the Elysée

If the ministers thought that they were going to return to their beds after the results of the elections, it was a mistake. The government has beené summoned by the Head of State so that all members of the executive team can take stock of the new calendar. Ministers and the entire majority are now campaigning for legislation that no one had anticipated. The president is therefore doing this at this very moment, & at the Elys&eac;e, an update on the new priorities of the government, which will have to keep current files and a new race leading to a major political election.

06/09/24 – 10:38 p.m. – Eric Zemmour reacts late to the results of the Europeans

Le pr&amp The president of the far-right identity party Reconquête first had a word for Marion Maréchal. "I want to thank our head of the list, we entrusted him with this task. a mission, she fought with conviction. A priori we should have 5 deputies in the European Parliament. For five years I am counting on these éelected officials from Reconqu to do hear the French truths that Brussels does not want. […] A wave rose this evening in Europe. The right that wins is the one that fights against Islamization, against Wokism, against the defense of nations. I know that France will follow this path.

06/09/24 – 10:35 p.m. – The PS insists on its result at the European elections to prepare the legislative elections

The First Secretary of the PS Olivier Faure spoke to argue that the results obtained by his political party in the European elections must now prevail for the future of the left. He called on the left to work towards a “useful rally”, but no longer around La France Insoumise but around the PS. “There is a balance of power this evening that has “evolved” between the left-wing parties after the European elections, adding this message to the address of the LFI executives and Jean-Luc Mélenchon: "Everyone must think about the best conditions for a gathering that allows us to have a project, that allows us to be heard by the French".

09/06/24 – 22:26 – “We want to see Jordan Bardella &agrave Matignon”

After the RN's historic results in the 2024 European elections, the extremist party's executives say they are optimistic about taking the reins of government. “ We want to see Jordan Bardella at Matignon”, reacted on BFMTV Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy. And to add:  We want to change things, so we tell the French to try us!"

06/09/24 – 10:18 p.m. – Jean-Luc Mélenchon is already launching the the LFI campaign for the legislative elections

The historic leader of France Insoumise spoke to react to the elections of European Unions 2024, but also, naturally à the announcement of the dissolution. "The new France must rise. We woné the first round of the 2022 legislative election. We can win again and change everything using ballots! People of cities and suburbs, make France your own! Make it your homeland!", he saidé in a speech which was not broadcast on TF1 nor in its entirety. on France 2.

06/09/24 – 10:14 p.m. – Marie Toussaint, head of the EELV list, says she is “angry” and announces "discussions of the left"

“I'm angry. In the coming weeks we are going to have à fight against a right-wing and far-right coalition in the European Parliament and elsewhere. the European Commission. We are going to have to fight to push back the far right in France, declaredé not long ago à her campaign headquarters the candidate at the head of the European list. “The environmentalists will be there. to lead this battle,” she added. The latter added that discussions were going to be held between the different formations of the left "in the coming hours", to discuss the strategy é consider for the left. A union seems a credible horizon, but remains to be seen. define its form and the people who will embody it.

09/06/24 – 22:07 – Raphaël Glucksmann reacts é the announcement of the dissolution

"We are ready " fight us, à constitute a force of resistance to the far right, reacted the head of the list PS/Place Publique. He considered that "the President of the Republic obeyed his orders. Jordan Bardella, who requested this decision. The Eurodéputé did not kick in touch and seems to be included in the left-wing political forces which will play a role in these French legislative elections.

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09/06/24 – 22:02 – The announcement of the dissolution changes everything and puts Europeans at risk second plan

Emmanuel Macron surprised everyone this evening and from now on, it is these new legislative elections which are at the center of the political agenda. This is the first time in the history of European elections that a result has provoked a reaction of this nature and of this magnitude. The President considered that the French vote was not just a vote to renew the European Parliament, but that it had a strong impact on international policy. oacute;rterior. The media should very quickly cover this new major campaign which is opening and devote little time to this. decipher and analyze the results of Europeans.

09/06/24 – 21 :36 – “This will undoubtedly be the most important vote of the Fifth Republic”, anticipates Darmanin

The Minister of the Interior saw fit to react this evening on television on LCI. “It is a reaction that follows “listening to the people”, he said, adding: “We do not vote the same for a distant election. We understood the message of the French”, insisted Gérald Darmanin. who “We don't vote the same for our deputies and for the European deputies. This will undoubtedly be the most important vote of the Fifth Republic".

"The President, responding to the the call of Jordan Bardella, announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. I can only welcome this decision which is in line with the logic of the institutions of the Fifth Republic. We are ready ê exercise power if the French trust us. We are ready to do so. straighten out the country" saidé Marine Le Pen "As this evening's result forced Emmanuel Macron " return to the polls, I call on the French çais à join us to form a majority around the RN around the only cause that guides our steps, France!"

By announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly, the Head of State is taking a considerable risk for his majority. politics, already relative. It will be very difficult for him to collect as many votes as in 2022 and therefore to obtain as many deputies. It is also likely that the National Rally could achieve a new push. Enough to constitute a majority ? This is not certain, but the most likely horizon is that no majority will be elected. does not release. In the event thatù the elected Macronists cannot obtain majority support for the government then it is the party which will succeed in achieving this. constitute a majority who will take the reins of government, in a situation of cohabitation.

09/06/24 – 9:20 p.m. – Valérie Pécresse speaks of a "warning shot" for Emmanuel Macron

Despite a drop in its result compared to that of 2019 during the previous European elections (8.2% in 2019 against 7.2% in 2024), Val&rie Pécresse wished salute the "courageous" and "worthy" campaign led by François-Xavier Bellamy who defended with "clarityé our beliefs. Returning to the score of the Rally and that of the presidential party, the former candidate & the presidential election estimated that these results are "a warning shot for Emmanuel Macron" who finds herself, according to her, "at the back of the wall". “He must hear the message of a country that is rumbling and respond to it,” she added.

09/06/24 – 9:06 p.m. – New legislative elections on June 30 and July 7

Emmanuel Macron assures that he has "confidence in our democracy" and indicates that the legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. "Let the floor be givené to the sovereign people, there is nothing more republican,” he adds. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them without answers,” he said. "Be sure of one thing: my only ambition is to be useful ' our country that I love so much, and to serve you. (…) France needs a majority. clear to act with peace of mind and harmony. […] Choose to write history rather than endure it. It's now. Long live the Republic, long live France.

“This is not a good result for the political parties that defend Europe”, says Emmanuel Macron. "For me, it's a situation' which I cannot resolve. The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a threat to Europe. Yes, the far right is at the left. both the downgrading and the impoverishment of the French. Added to this is parliamentary disorder. This is why I decided to do this. to give you back the choice of our future. I dissolve the national assembly.

09/06/24 – 20:56 – &amp ;quot;The macronie is over" estimates Éric Ciotti

After the announcement of the score of François-Xavier Bellamy who obtained 7% of the votes, the boss of the Republicans Éric Ciotti estimatedé that the result of this vote is the symbol of a "defeat" of Emmanuel Macron as well as everything that “macronie” represents. "The macronie is over", he said. on TF1 after the score obtained by the majority presidential vote credited with 15% of the votes. The deputyé des Alpes-Maritimes has benefited from of his speech to castigate the record of the power that he judged to be "calamitous", adding that he had no intention of forming a coalition with the government.

06/09/24 – 8:47 p.m. – Jean-Luc Mélenchon will speak after the announcement of the results

< p>The founder of La France insoumise must speak after the announcement of the results of the European elections. The rebellious leader must react to the situation. fourth place won by his party in the ballot with 9% of the votes.

09/06/24&nbsp ;- 20:44 – Marine Tondelier accuses the presidential party of having played the “short game”; at RN

While environmentalists had created a surprise during the 2019 European elections by winning 13.5% of the votes, Marine Tondelier, the National Secretary of ;apos;Europe Éecologie les Verts estimatedé on the France 2 set that the score of the head of the Green list, Marie Toussaint, credited with 5% of the votes is  "very worrying" for the capacity collective à fight on climate issues. Believing that the presidential party had played the “short game”; at the National Rally during this campaign, Marine Tondelier indicated; that it is necessary to "rekindle the flame" to reincarnate hope & all those "we defend".

09/06/24 – 20: 41 – François Ruffin gets annoyed: "We have to stop the bullshit”

The deputy LFI François Ruffin does not share Manon Aubry's enthusiasm at all and points out the division of the left and its clear defeat this evening. "We have to stop the bullshit” he said, adding: “What match do we want to play for tomorrow, for 2027 ? Do we want to win together or stay divided? ? There is no inevitability; but you have to want it.

09/06/24 – 8:35 p.m. – The failure of 'Emmanuel Macron to fight against the RN, judge Manuel Bompard

Guest on the set of France 2 to react to the result of the European elections, the national coordinator of La France insoumise Manuel Bompard estimated ; that the score of the National Rally is the result of a failure by Emmanuel Macron to fight against the far-right party. Believing that the main lesson of this result is "the defeat of the presidential group", Manuel Bompard called for the defeat of the presidential group. the head of state & take this into account and abandon several of its projects, notably that of the reform of unemployment benefit. "We must take this into account and understand the political lesson", he explainedé.

09/06/24 – 8:35 p.m. – Manon Aubry's turn to react to the results: "The aftermath of Macron does not belong to RN"

"It’s the defeat and the scathing rout of Macronism and the Macronists. Their historically low score sanctions an unjust and authoritarian policy,” declared Manon Aubry this evening. the page of the Macron era. […] Every time youth and working-class neighborhoods mobilize, we push back the far-right. Youth of this country, it is for you that we are fighting!" And to add:  "Today, the first results give us clear progress compared to the previous results. 2019. Yes, we will have more elected officials to fight our battles for purchasing power, for peace and peace. Gaza…". His speech ends with   "After Macron does not belong to the RN".

09/06/24 – 8:31 p.m. – Historic result for the RN

Let us recall the results of the FN and the RN during previous European elections since 1984. The figures from the Ministry of the Interior andamp; The back are illuminating and show you what you are looking for. how historic the victory of the National Rally is.

  • 1984: 10.95% 
  • 1989: 11.73% 
  • 1994: 10.52%
  • 1999: 5.7%
  • 2004: 9.81%
  • 2009: 6.64%
  • 2014: 24.86%
  • 2019: 23.31%
  • 2024: 32%

09/06/24 – 20:27 – "I don't have the soul & ;agrave; the party said Raphaël Glucksmann

Arrival In third position in the ballot with nearly 14% of the votes, the head of the list of the Socialist Party-Public Square Raphaël Glucksmann estimated: from his HQ not having "the'&soulà the party after the National Rally score. "Today, the far right represents 40% in France", he first announced, before continue and indicate: "We will be fighters for a democratic, sovereign, feminist, humanist, &ecologist, social Europe."

Speaking of a wave that is coming to shake "our democracies", Raphael Glucksmann notably émentioned; the historical score of several far-right parties in Europe. "In our institutions, enemies of Europe œwill work &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; the construction of democracy. But we will stand up to them in Europe and in France.


Find your city in the lists below to see the results:

  • Paris
  • Marseille
  • Lyon
  • Toulouse
  • Nice
  • Nantes
  • Montpellier
  • Strasbourg
  • Bordeaux
  • Lille
  • Rennes
  • Reims
  • Le Havre
  • Saint-Étienne
  • Toulon
  • Grenoble
  • Dijon
  • Angers
  • Nîmes
  • Villeurbanne
  • Le Mans
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Brest
  • Turns
  • Amiens
  • Limoges
  • Annecy
  • Perpignan
  • Besançon
  • Metz
  • Boulogne-Billancourt

All cities Read also

The result of the 2024 European elections will influence the policy of the European Union. The latest projections give a boost to the nationalist parties in Parliament, but the far right is not able to assert itself.' ;nbsp;There are currently seven groups in the European Parliament, which are from most to least important, with the first two leading the way. the outcome of the results.

  • The European People's Party, where the Republicans sit.
  • The social democratic group, where sit the elected representatives of the socialist left. 
  • The centrist group Renew Europe, whereù seats the majority presidential office. 
  • Ecologists, where headquarters of the Europe-Ecology-the Greens party.
  • Identity Democracy (ID), which includes the National Rally in its ranks
  • The European Conservatives and Reformists (CRE), the other far-right group in which Reconqu& ecirc;te.
  • The radical left group, supported by France Insoumise.

The graph above gives the number of seats per political party in the European Parliament. 

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116