The historic registration document will soon change format and here is à what it will look like.
If your wallet is shrinking, it's not just because, like many French people, you have to tighten your belt. The dematerialization of many documents now makes it possible to no longer be burdened with a ton of paperwork. This is valid for identity papers, for travel (plane and train tickets), for culture and leisure (cinema tickets). eacute;ma, show, concert tickets…), for the practice of sport (licenses…), but also increasingly for everything relating to automobiles. Since February 14, 2024, the driving license has been going digital everywhere in France and will bury the old piece of pink paper that young drivers have a little more. were once very proud to obtain. We have also known for several months that the insurance sticker – this little green macaroon à place on the windshield – will go digital on April 1st. But another physical document, also required to drive a car, will also disappear.
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Rather cumbersome, with its three flaps, the "dad" will soon be a collector's item. Like the new driving license, the registration document – that one acquires or gives up every time we buy or sell a new or used vehicle – will go digital. Often left in the storage box. gloves, or lost when we need to get our hands on them, it will soon invest the smartphones, which will at least have the advantage of always being with us.
Wù will it be located exactly? The Dématérialisée registration document will be read domicile in France Identit&eac;, this" ;digital wallet" inaugurated last September. The application, free, is available at any time. both on Android smartphones and iPhones. Its vocation is à group together all digital identity documents in order to facilitate administrative procedures. For motorists, the driving license, insurance, registration document (and even soon the insurance certificate) will be accessible in a few clicks in the "Portfolio" tab of the France Identité application.
The registration document provides a lot of essential information about the vehicle owner and the vehicle itself. It includes the name and address of the owner, the make and model of the vehicle, its registration number, series, its fiscal power, its real power, its weight, the type of fuel it uses, the number of seats… A motorist must always have it &agrav; within reach when driving. If you cannot present it during a police check, you expose yourself to criminal charges. a fixed fine of 11 euros which can go up to 135 euros if you do not present it to a police or gendarmerie station within 5 days.
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