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Trial of the Strasbourg Christmas market attack: who are the 4 accused ?

The trial for the Strasbourg attack in 2018 opens this Thursday, February 29, 2024. Paris. Four men are in the dock. The assailant had been killed. shot dead after 48 hours of tracking.

This Thursday, February 29, 2024, opens before the specially composed Assize Court of Paris, the trial of the' #39;Strasbourg attack carried out on December 11, 2018. Four men were tried for acts of complicity in the crime. of criminal association in connection with the murderous attack committed by Chérif Chekatt, shot dead by the police after 48 hours of stalking. Around sixty civil parties were formed for this trial. Victims and witnesses to the attack will be brought to the scene. to speak à bar. The trial will end on April 5.

Chérif Chekatt attack: reminder of the facts

On the evening of December 11, 2018, a 29-year-old man, Chérif Chekatt, appeared in the heart of the market; of Strasbourg and coldly shot dead five people in ten minutes. He had shouted "Allah Akbar" by opening fire on passers-by. Eleven other people were arrested. injured. He then fled the scene. board a taxi. The driver of the vehicle, Mostafa Salhane, had managed to reach the scene. convince the assailant to stop and seek treatment before taking advantage of a moment of inattention on the part of the latter to flee.

Chérif Chekatt had been able to be locatedé in the Neudorf district, thanks to information from the taxi driver. His run had lasted long. 48 hours despite the colossal means deployed to find him with no less than 650 police forces and several helicopters. After two days of tracking and anguish, Chérif Chekatt was shot dead after having once again opened fire on a police patrol. A repeat offender, Chérif Chekatt had already committed suicide. été condemned 20 times in France for common law offenses and was on file. S for Islamist radicalization. The attack had been carried out claimed the next day by the Islamic State group. 

Audrey Mondjehi, 42 years old, faces prison à perpetuity

Subsequently, 5 men were arrested. indicted for having supplied weapons à the assailant including an 1892 ordinance revolver used in the attack. during the attack. The judges did not accept the qualification "terrorist" that for one of them, Audrey Mondjehi, 42 years old, former co-inmate of Chérif Chekatt and main accused' in that case. He is judged for complicity assassination and assassination attempts in connection with a terrorist enterprise and was placed in custody. in provisional detention until then.

He faces criminal imprisonment perpetuity. "He playedé an indispensable role in the supply of a weapon" &agrav; the assailant by putting him in contact with people who sold him weapons, when he could not have been unaware of, or even shared, all or part of the radical convictions of Chérif Chekatt" indicates the order of the magistrates consulted by the AFP.

Three other men in the dock

The other three accused were arrested. referred to the court for criminal conspiracy with a view to preparing one or more crimes. They each incur up to 10 years in prison. Aged 34, 37 and 39, they are suspected of having participated in the crime. &agrav; the supply of weapons. They were é placed under judicial supervision pending trial. On the other hand, nothing allows, for the moment, to assert that these three people had knowledge of the terrorist project of Ch'rif Chekatt' the time of the events.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116