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Who is Unseenlabs, the New Space start-up from Rennes which has just raised 85 million euros ?

© Unseenlabs

The story of Unseenlabs begins in 2015 when the Galic brothers launched into the world of New Space. With dreams in their heads, they created their company with a clear objective, to help with marine surveillance from space. Nearly 10 years later, the small Rennes company has grown significantly and today it defines itself as “world leader in maritime surveillance.”

The company has just reached a new level in its development. Indeed, it has just announced a record fundraising of 85 million euros. This is quite simply the first time that a French company specializing in space has managed to raise such a sum.

A record which is not surprising when we know that Unseenlabs already offers a successful service, with a constellation of around ten satellites in orbit. The eleventh was launched last November from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

How the Unseenlabs service works?

Unseenlabs offers a wide range of customers ;conduct “maritime surveillance from orbit”. Thanks to its constellation of satellites, the company is able to detect and geolocate radio frequency signals and thus have a precise idea of ​​the position of the transmitting boats.

This data is then sold for various companies. In addition to authorities who may have direct control over vessels in their waters, insurance companies and NGOs regularly use this data.

In order to have access to ever more data and responsiveness in ocean analysis, the company wants to further develop its constellation. As co-founder Clément Galic explains, the objective for the Breton company will be to launch 10 additional satellites before the end of 2025.

A record fundraising

As we said above, this fundraising exceeds all New Space limits French and made Unseenlabs one of the next generation space companies with the largest capital. In the press release accompanying the announcement of this fundraising, the company explains that these additional 85 million euros should allow “to intensify its technological innovations and expand its service offering, while strengthening its position as a world leader in the field of RF signal detection.”

It's this project that seems to have attracted big names in investment like Supernova Invest, ISALT through its Strategic Fund Transitions and UNEXO. During this new funding round, the company was also able to count on historic investors such as 360 Capital, OMNES, Bpifrance, Breizh Up managed by UI Investissement and S2G Ventures.

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116