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RN or Popular Front ? Here’s who will lower your electricity bill the most

In both cases, this will have a significant cost to public finances and no compensation has been provided. detailed.

This is one of the major concerns of the French. The rise in the price of electricity increasingly worries households. Successive increases have put many families in difficulty, forced to reduce their consumption and cut back (again and again) on other expenses.

If the State has assumed responsibility for These increases, proposals to stop the surge are flourishing, in the middle of the electoral period. Ideologically opposed, the National Rally and the New Popular Front each have the ambition to lower the bill. For this, the far right and the union of the left want to use the same lever: the taxes applied on the price of electricity. But &agrav; each training has its own tax.

RN or Popular Front ? Here’s who will lower your electricity bill the most

On the side of the RN, a promise is made to modify the Value Added Tax (VAT) applied to energy, increasing it from 20% to 20%. 5.5%. In fact, a few lines of the invoice already show this reduced rate (subscription and CTA). But not the ones that cost the most. These are consumption as well as the main tax (CSPE), subject to à VAT à 20%, which the party wants to lower à 5.5%. Legally, he has the right to do so, even if the European Union will have to definitively validate the measure, since the EU regulates the taxation of energy. Precisely, Jordan Bardella presentedé another project, via negotiations engage with the European Commission "immediately" if the RN wins. The objective set would deviate from European electricity pricing rules. According to him, this would allow bills to be reduced by 30%. On condition of winning the case against the Brussels…

On the side from the left, it is one of the two aforementioned taxes which is in the viewfinder (although also indirectly targeted by the RN)&nbsp ;: Contribution to the public electricity service (CSPE). This probably doesn't mean anything to you. This line is listed at the very bottom of your invoice. It mainly serves à finance the energy check. During the energy crisis, the government had sharply reduced its budget. its amount, à less than one cent per KwH (0.0001€/KwH) in order to compensate for the increase in the cost of production and delivery of electricity' electricity. However, on February 1, 2024, the CSPE increased. with the aim of getting it back to its pre-crisis level, moving up to the next level. 0.021€/KwH. This is what caused the bill to skyrocket by 10% at the start of the year. The New Popular Front promises to remit this tax à his minimum if he obtains the majority à the National Assembly.

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Between these two technical proposals, it is difficult to find your way. To help you see more clearly, Linternaute created; a simulator allowing you to project yourself into each situation. Which change will have the most impact on my bill? Below, simply enter your annual electricity consumption. (available on your invoice), click on "Compare" and discover which device will help you save more on electricity.

*Calculation carried out à from the Engie offer "Simple metering supply", at the rates applied on June 1, 2024 and available here. The calculation only takes into account consumption and the Contribution to the public electricity service. (CSPE), currently taxed at 20%. The subscription and the Transport Tariff Contribution (CFA) are already available. taxed é 5.5% and are not taken into account in the total.

In both cases, a few dozen euros can be saved each month. But be careful, these measures are not without consequences on the country's finances. According to an estimate from the Ministry of Finance, the idea of ​​the RN would remove 4.5 billion euros in revenue from state coffers , every year. At this stage, neither Jordan Bardella nor Marine Le Pen have indicated how they wanted to compensate for this budgetary hole, if they came to power.

Idem à LEFT. The lack &agrav; winning for the state was encrypted à 6 billion euros per year by the majority presidential decision (not without ulterior motives) and no compensation lever was used. present. Furthermore, the New Popular Front promises to make the first kilowatt hours free for all French people and to implement progressive pricing on electricity: more we consume, the more we pay. How many free KwH ? What prices for which consumption brackets ? Là yet, no one has entered the room. in details. The measure has, however, been defended since the 2022 presidential campaign.

For their part, Gabriel Attal and the majority presidential election have promised to reduce the price of electricity by 15%. by next winter. A commitment also made by Bruno Le Maire. But the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Economy are in reality praising themselves; a drop &agrav; come from the regulated sales prices at the European level. It would therefore only be thanks to à a change in the market that this decline could take place, which leaves the door open to further growth. a further increase if the context evolves.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116