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An explosion causes a fire in Marseille: one dead and at least one injured

An explosion took place this Sunday, December 24, in the 6th arrondissement of Marseille. One person died in the fire that followed the powerful explosion…

Marseille was é shaken by a fatal explosion on the evening of Sunday, December 24. According to information from BFM Marseille, confirmed by La Provence, the incident occurred on the second floor of a building at 24' nbsp;rue Bossuet, in the 6th arrondissement. The origin of this explosion remains unknown and an investigation has been carried out. open to clarify the circumstances of the event.

The fire that followed the powerful explosion caused one fatality and slightly injured one person. another person, who has been taken care of by emergency services in a conscious state. Five people were arrested. evacuated from the building, all in a state of shock and having suffered mild smoke inhalation.< /p>

Shocking images and testimonies

Firefighters quickly responded to the scene. A major rescue operation, with nearly 75 firefighters and around twenty vehicles involved. Rue Breteuil was closed. looped to facilitate operations. Nine residents of a neighboring building, located at 22 rue Bossuet, wereé éevacuated Benoît Payan, the mayor of the city, present on the scene, urgedé citizens à Avoid the area. Yannick Ohanessian, assistant à the town hall of Marseille, announced that the evacuated people would be rehoused with the help of city services, after having been relocated. temporarily hosted in a nearby school.

Witnesses to the event shared images and testimonials on social networks. The explosion was caused by described as sudden and particularly powerful. A witness says that a relative was killed. touch&eac; near the eye by shards of glass. Another witness reported that the building had "moved" &agrav; the aftermath of the explosion, evoking scenes of destruction and imposing flames.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116