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DIRECT. Amstel Gold Race: van der Poel trapped, four French people on the right track, follow the race

At the end of the Keutenberg, a group of twelve was formed; &agrav; the front with notably Pidcock, Benoot, Madouas and Vauquelin. Van der Poel did not follow and found himself chasing in the peloton.

  • In Keutenberg, Benoot made the selection and took Pidcock in his wake as well as Hirschi. The French Vauquelin and Madouas are in the good group too. The platoon whereù figure van der Poel has not yet moved.
  • After almost 150 km à Up front, the four escapees (van der Sande, Kyffin, Hajek and Leijnse) of the day were defeated. taken over by a platoon launched &agrav; lively pace.
  • The 2024 edition of the Amstel Gold Race has been completed. routed between Maastricht and Berg en Terblijt, for a total of 253.6 km. through Dutch Limburg, and 33 bergs & climb including the Loorberg (1.2 km & 5.6%), the Gulperbergweg (1.0 km & 5.2%), the Kruisberg (0.6 km & 8 .5%), the Eyserbosweg (900m &9.3%), the Fromberg (700m &4.5%,) and the Keutenberg (1.1 km &6. 8%, km 225.1). In the final, the peloton will not escape the triptych Cauberg (800m at 7.4%), Geulhemmerberg (900m at 6.2%) and Bemelerberg (800m at 6.2%) ; 5.3%).


16:38 – Benoot closes the gap (5 km)

Benoot makes an effort violent and returns to Pidcock. The Belgian brings Hirschi with him but Vansevenant stalls slightly.

In the continuityé from Bemelerberg, Pidcock takes flight. The Briton reveals himself 7 kilometers from the goal.

16:36 – Lapeira against (7 km)

In the chasing group, Lapeira proves that he still has legs and isolates himself on the slope. The Frenchman sees the four in front of him. It's only left' about fifty meters from them.

16:33 – Last mountain of the day (7 km )

The four leading men enter the Bemelerberg, the last of the 33 bergs of the Amstel Gold Breed. They are 12 seconds ahead of the pursuers.

16:31 – Still 10 seconds apart (10 km )

10 km from the finish, Benoot, Pidcock, Vansevenant and Hirschi stand up to the group of seven who are chasing them and has them in view. For the moment, the gap remains around 10 seconds.

16:30 – Van der Poel lets it happen (11 km)

Van der Poel doesn't give a damn ;eacute;dale within the peloton and points to the 38 seconds from the lead of the race. Will the Dutchman succeed? come back or did he leave? take your chance ?

16:28 – Bilbao against (12 km)

Bilbao finds itself in a potato chase behind the front four. At a third level, the French are trying to organize themselves so as not to jeopardize their chances. These three groups stand within a hundred meters. Nothing is done.

16:27 – Hirschi's firecracker (13 km)

Hirschi has legs of fire and shakes everyone up again. Pidcock, Benoot and Vansevenant hold on. About ten meters separates the four men and the seven pursuers.

16:26 – Pidcock as observer (14 km)

The group of eleven reformed. and Pidcock hesitates to do so. reveal oneself. The Briton looks back and sizes up his opponents.

16:25 – Bilbao isolates itself (14 km)

In a descending game, Bilbao manages à escape from the leading group. The Basque is chased by Pidcock and Hirschi but the blow does not seem clear enough to really leave.

16:23 – L'& The gap has narrowed (16 km)

At the start of the last lap, the peloton passes with 25 seconds behind the twelve men in the lead. Honoré is intercalated between the two groups with 10 seconds delay on the escapees.

16:22 – Matthews' turn 'go there (17 km)

After Cosnefroy's attack, Matthews launches into a blow and is accompanied by by three runners. Van der Poel lets himself be guided by the peloton which makes the junction.

16:21 – Cosnefroy attacks à his turn (18 km)

In the middle of the Cauberg, Cosnefroy tests himself and places a banderilla. Van der Poel responds secondly and the Frenchman cuts his effort to avoid bringing back the world champion.

16:20 – Hirschi attacks (19 km)

At the foot of the Cauberg, Hirschi anticipates and attacks frankly to shake up the breakaway. Honoré cracks immediately, à the difference between Pacher and the French who make a very beautiful impression.

16: 18 – The twelve leading men (20 km)

Here is the identity of of the 20 runners present at the event ahead and who could have taken an option on victory in this 58th edition of the Amstel Gold Race: Pidcock, Benoot, Hirschi, Honor, Vauquelin, Pacher, Vansevenant, Madouas , Mollema, Adria, Bilbao and Lapeira.

16:11 – The trapped platoon ? (23 km)

23 km from the finish, a section of cranks has just engaged between the twelve riders who set off at the end of the race. the adventure in the Keutenberg and the peloton. The gap is already wide. of 50 seconds and it is the Jayco-AlUla, Israël-Premier Tech and Alpecin-Deceuninck who are struggling to try to catch up.

16:08 – Eleven runners à the front (27 km)

After the very rapid ascent of the Keutenberg, a group of eleven forms in tè This is a race with among them the outsiders Pidcock, Benoot and the French Lapeira, Vauquelin, Madouas and Pacher. The peloton points &agrav; about thirty seconds.

16:06 – Benoot hurts (29 km)

From the foot of Keutenberg, Benoot takes matters in hand and pushes on the left of the road. Only Pidcock, Hirschi and Vansevenant held on. The leading group explodes and the peloton is estimated to be destroyed. &agrav; 40 seconds behind.

Just before the Keutenberg, Pidcock anticipates and goes into the counter group with Benoot. Vauquelin felt the blow and followed.

16:00 – No panic (32 km)

Behind the quartet Madouas, Hirschi, Adria and Mollema, Pacher and Vansevenant extract themselves from the peloton where; the favorites remain very quiet. We wait patiently for the Keutenberg in a few kilometers. This is where that Pogacar had drawn his victory last season.

16:00 – No panic (32 km)

Behind the quartet Madouas, Hirschi, Adria and Mollema, Pacher and Vansevenant break away from the peloton where the favorites remain very quiet. We wait patiently for the Keutenberg in a few kilometers. This is where that Pogacar had drawn his victory last season.

15:59 – Only two left in the lead (34 km)< /h3>

Note that while the attacks multiplied in the peloton, the leading trio was transformed into a leader. as a duo since Vervaeke released taken, letting Lapeira and Honoré slip away.

15:57 – Madouas à the front (35 km)

Hirschi attacks on the right of the road and drags Adria into his wake. With his French champion jersey, Madouas accompanies the movement. Secondly, we also see Jorgenson breaking away from the peloton with Kron.

15:56 – Carapaz helps &agrav; the selection (36 km)

While Hermans leads the peloton, Carapaz accelerates and makes a move the peloton which finds itself reduced to around twenty units. Van der Poel follows the Ecuadorian but does not counter.

15:56 – Carapaz helps à the selection (36 km)

While Hermans leads the peloton, Carapaz accelerates and makes a move the peloton which finds itself reduced to around twenty units. Van der Poel follows the Ecuadorian but does not counter.


Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116