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Assembly National Assembly: composition, groups, list of deputies

ASSEMBLY. A majority relative for Emmanuel Macron, the first woman president of the Assembly, the left to the right. head of the finance committee… Find the composition and key positions of the National Assembly.

The legislative elections of June 12 and 19, 2022 renewed the vote. the composition of the National Assembly in an unprecedented way: although re-elected President of the Republic a few weeks earlier, in April 2022, Emmanuel Macron found himself private majority absolute in the lower house of Parliament. The majority presidential election (Renaissance ex-LREM, MoDem, Horizons) thus lost around a hundred deputies compared to the previous mandate, to arrive at 250 seats, while the majority absolute is set to 289.

In this new Assembly, the opposition is therefore placed in a position of strength, although it is very divided. The left began this 16th legislature of the Fifth Republic with 141 seats in the hemicycle, thanks to a historic coalition, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). The National Rally was never equally powerful for its part; the Assembly, with 89 deputies. The Republicans, on the other hand, signed a clear decline compared to; the previous legislature, going from 101 to 101 62 seats.

Among the highlights of the 16th legislature, which officially began on June 28, 2022: the National Assembly elected its first woman president. Yaël Braun-Pivet, from the majority group Renaissance (ex-LREM), imposed herself on the competition. the majority absolute in the second round, at the favor of the withdrawal of the candidate of the National Rally, Sébastien Chenu. Six vice-presidents have been appointed. elected on the following days, including two from the majority presidential election, two from Nupes and two from the National Rally. The majority The presidential election also obtained two positions of quaestors, the last of which went to the deputy of the LR Eric Ciotti. Of the eight permanent committees of the Assembly, seven logically found support. their presidents from among the deputies of the majority coalition. The eighth, the coveted Finance Committee, which is traditionally chaired by a member of parliament. of the opposition, was elected to his head the deputy of France Insoumise, Eric Coquerel, June 30, 2022.

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What is the composition of the National Assembly?

The final composition of the National Assembly for the 16th legislature was finalized. unveiled in the Official Journal on Wednesday June 29, 2022. Discover the distribution of seats by groups below. the National Assembly. A graph showing the results of the 2022 legislative elections as they were previously published. communicated by the Ministry of the Interior on Monday June 20 is also proposed.

The three groups that make up the majority presidential (Renaissance – ex LREM with 168 deputies and 4 apparent, Democrats – Modem with 48 deputies and Horizons with 28 elected and 2 apparent   ) all together have 250 deputies, far from the majority. absolute fixed at 289 seats. The Nupes coalition, made up of four groups (LFI with 75 deputies, PS with 27 deputies and 4 related parties, EELV with 23 deputies and the communists under the name “Democratic and Republican Left” with 22 elected officials), has 151. The National Rally group has 89 elected officials, that of the Republican party There remain 62. What remains is a group "Libertés, independents, overseas and territories" of 16 deputies and 9 not registered to complete this Assembly.


What are the 10 parliamentary groups of the National Assembly?

Upon their entry to At the National Assembly, the deputies were divided into 10 parliamentary groups. A parliamentary group is formed; of at least 15 deputies, who come together by political affinities. The formation of parliamentary groups confers several advantages, including the granting of work and meeting spaces, as well as additional collaborators. Speaking time in the hemicycle and seats in committees are allocated proportionally to the number of speakers. the size of parliamentary groups. Group presidents also have the power to request a suspension of the meeting or a public vote.

The majority The presidential election is therefore made up of three groups: Renaissance, Democratic (MoDem and independents) and Horizons. The other seven groups are declared opposition or minority. Among them, the four groups of the Nupes (LFI, PS, EELV and Democratic and Republican Left) have set up an intergroup to coordinate their action. Opposition and minority groups have some advantages: one session per month is devoted to a set agenda by them and they can also propose the creation of commissions of inquiry. Finally, nine deputies are non-registered, that is to say they sit outside any parliamentary group. Here is the list of the ten groups of the National Assembly for the 16th legislature:

  • Renaissance: 168 members, 4 related to the National Assembly. s. President: Aurore Bergé
  • National gathering: 88 members, 1 related. President: Marine Le Pen
  • La France insoumise: 75 members. President: Mathilde Panot
  • Les Républicains: 59 members, 3 related. President: Olivier Marleix
  • Democrat (MoDem and independents): 48 members. President: Jean-Paul Mattei
  • Socialists:27 members, 4 related. President: Boris Vallaud
  • Horizons: 28 members, 2 related. President: Laurent Marcangeli
  • Ecologists: 23 members. Co-presidents: Julien Bayou and Cyrielle Chatelain
  • Democratic and Republican Left (communists and related): 22 members. President: André Chassaigne
  • Liberties, independents, overseas and territories: 16 members. Co-presidents: Bertrand Pancher and Christophe Naegelen.

Here is the complete list of the 577 deputies sitting in Parliament. the National Assembly for this 16th legislature. The names of the deputies are accompanied by of the group in which they chose to sit. It is possible to scroll through the rows of the table to discover all the names of the elected officials.


Who are the members of the office of the National Assembly?

President, vice-presidents, quaestors… Positions in the office of the National Assembly, responsible for of the proper functioning of the institution, have been awarded on June 29, 2022. The office consists of the President of the Assembly, six vice-presidents, three quaestors and 12 secretaries. The office of the National Assembly must reflect the political composition of the hemicycle. Renaissance MP Yaël Braun-Pivet was Elected president of the National Assembly on Tuesday June 28, 2022, during a ballot. secret ballot, in public session, in the hemicycle. In the absence of unanimous agreement between the presidents of the groups on the distribution of the other positions in the office, their allocation was also the subject of a vote of all the deputies, to the secret ballot.

The three positions of quaestors returned to Éric Woerth (Renaissance), Marie Guévenoux (Renaissance) and Éric Ciotti (Les Républicains). The questorship is responsible for the financial and administrative stewardship of the National Assembly. The six vice-president positions were shared as follows: two for the minority tendencies of the majority; presidential: Naïma Moutchou (Horizons) and Elodie Jacquier-Laforge (MoDem); two for Nupes: Valérie Rabault (PS) and Caroline Fiat (LFI); two, finally, for the National Rally: Hélène Laporte and Sébastien Chenu. The main role of the vice-presidents is to relay the president to the “Perchoir”, to chair the sessions, but they also share the leadership of the delegations of the National Assembly.

Finally, the positions of the 12 secretaries of the National Assembly, supposed to ensure the smooth running of votes in the hemicycle, returned to the same position. Christophe Blanchet, Caroline Janvier, Claire Pitollat, Rémy Rebeyrotte and Jean Terlier (Renaissance), Laurence Vichnievsky (Democracy), Yannick Favennec-Bécot (Horizons), Soumya Bourouaha (GDR), Danièle Obono (LFI ), Hubert Julien-Laferrière (Ecologists), Philippe Gosselin (LR) and Pierre Morel-A-L'Huissier (LIOT).

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Who are the presidents of the eight permanent commissions of the National Assembly?

The National Assembly has eight permanent committees responsible for examining bills or proposed laws before they are voted on in the hemicycle. The role of a commission is also to inform deputies of the issues surrounding a piece of legislation before it is voted on. The committees are made up of deputies, the parliamentary groups are allocated a number of seats proportional to their number. their representation in the hemicycle. They are traditionally chaired by deputies from the majority. presidential election. The only exception: the finance committee, for which the regulations of the National Assembly have provided since 2009 that it must be chaired by a member of parliament. opposition. The presidents of the standing committees elected at the start of the 16th legislature are:

  • Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education: Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo (Horizons)
  • Committee on Economic Affairs: Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance)
  • Foreign Affairs: Jean-Louis Bourlanges (MoDem)
  • Social Affairs Commission: Fadila Khattabi (Renaissance)
  • National Defense and armed forces: Thomas Gassilloud (Agir Ensemble)
  • Sustainable development and regional planning: Jean-Marc Zulesi (Renaissance)
  • Finance: Eric Coquerel (La France insoumise)
  • Law Commission: Sacha Houlié (Renaissance)

What is the role of the chairman of the finance committee of the Assembly?

Made up of 73 deputies, this permanent commission has the main role of controlling the state budget. She can control the application of this same budget by presenting herself at the meeting. Unannounced in any ministry, to audit spending whenever she wants. This supervisory role extends even to the public. the hearing of ministers or any person directly linked to national finance, which may concern managers of public companies. Finally, she can contact the Authority. of competition to request the opening of a parliamentary commission of inquiry or reject amendments which would affect the state budget.

The seats of the deputies of this commission are distributed proportionally to the weight of their group. On the other hand, "cannot be elected at all times" the presidency of the committee on finance, general economy and budgetary control than a deputy belonging to one group having declared itself “opposition”, specifies article 39 of the regulations of the National Assembly. The president of the finance committee has access to documents covered by tax secrecy. He can also reject the amendments made to the various bills: for this, he only needs to prove that their financing poses a problem.

For the XVIth lé legislature, Eric Coquerel, deputy of rebellious France, was Elected president of the finance committee of the National Assembly, thanks to the support of the deputies of the Nupes inter-group. A great disappointment for the National Rally, which hoped, as the first opposition group, to get its hands on this strategic position.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116