“L'esperluète”, this Aveyron knife awarded a silver medal at the Lépine competition
Patrice Graffand and Étienne Rozès brought “L’esperluète” to life. D.R A cutler working in the shadows in Rieupeyroux, Patrice Graffand finds himself in the spotlight with his folding kitchen knife…
When our tech items take us to the emergency room: a selection of ridiculous injuries caused by our smartphones, headphones and sex toys
© Gino Santa Maria/Shutterstock Supposed to make our lives easier, our technological gadgets can sometimes turn into real instruments of torture. A study of American hospital data conducted by the…
They wanted to prove that the Earth was flat, and now admit otherwise
© qimono/Pixabay Like 9% of French people, YouTuber Jeran Campanella was convinced that governments and NASA were lying to us. He assured anyone who would listen that the Earth was…
“The more we talk about it, the less invisible we feel”: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a little-known hormonal disorder that is poisoning lives
Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques concerne 1 femme sur 7 dans le monde (Illustration). Envato Elements – @gpointstudio Alizée is a dancer and lives in Hérault, where Corinne, an editor,…
Elise Rouvrais, naturopath in Montpellier: “Whatever the symptoms you experience because of PCOS, there are solutions”
Elise Rouvrais est naturopathe à Montpellier, spécialisée dans la santé féminine et les pathologies hormonales. DR Naturopath in Montpellier, Elise Rouvrais retrained in this field a few years ago. Also…
“The more we talk about it, the less invisible we feel”: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a little-known hormonal disorder that is poisoning lives
Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques concerne 1 femme sur 7 dans le monde (Illustration). Envato Elements – @gpointstudio Alizée is a dancer and lives in Hérault, where Corinne, an editor,…
Christmas 1940: Cezanne's descendants find refuge in Laudun and hide the master's paintings there
À l’époque, les tableaux de Cezanne furent cachés dans une fosse creusée dans le jardin de la maison d’Albert André. Midi Libre – C.L. They hide at Albert André's, who…
Quand nos objets tech nous emmènent aux urgences : florilège de blessures ridicules provoquées par nos smartphones, écouteurs et sextoys
Très utiles au quotidien, les nouvelles technologies peuvent parfois nous jouer de mauvais tours. 0 𝕏 © Gino Santa Maria / Shutterstock 𝕏 Censés nous simplifier la vie, nos gadgets…
When our tech items take us to the emergency room: a selection of ridiculous injuries caused by our smartphones, headphones and sex toys
© Gino Santa Maria/Shutterstock Supposed to make our lives easier, our technological gadgets can sometimes turn into real instruments of torture. A study of American hospital data conducted by the…
50 years of MHSC: when Jacek Ziober entered the legend by becoming the first European goalscorer in the history of the club at La Mosson
Jacek Ziober a marqué les esprits lors de son passage au MHSC de 1990 à 1994 (110 Matches 22 but). Condensing half a century of history into 84 pages. This…