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What does the emergency attack of the Vigipirate plan change in concrete terms ?

The Prime Minister announced Sunday evening that France raised the level of its Vigipirate plan, which thus returns to & its highest level, i.e. in "emergency attack".

Two days after the attack near Moscow which left more than 130 people dead in a concert hall, France announced that it would be responsible for the attack. Sunday evening, through the voice of its Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, that it reviewed its state of alert. té demoted to level 2,   know "safetyé reinforced – risk of attack", on January 15, since Sunday, it has beené raised to level 3, i.e. in  "emergency attack", & the continuation of the Defense and Security Council national meeting gathered at the Palais de l'Élysée. A partly motivated choice by the claim by the Islamic State in Khorasan of the attack on Moscow. This organization regularly threatens France "and has beené involved in several recent foiled attack plans in several European countries, including Germany and France&quot ;, justified himselfé Matignon.

"The threat is very high and we must arm ourselves against it. this threat. It affects all of Europe and all of the West, and still has legitimacy. Monday evening the Minister of the Interior G&rald Darmanin, guest from 20 Hoursfrom France 2. But concretely, à what should the French expect ? According to the government website, the attack emergency level allows, for a limited time, called a crisis, " to ensure the exceptional mobilization of resources, such as that of soldiers. Monday morning, Gabriel Attal explained, from Saint-Lazare station à Paris, that today, 3,000 military personnel are deployed. and that "4 000 additional are on alert, mobilizable according to needs". This alert level also makes it possible “to disseminate information likely to protect citizens in a crisis situation”, the service website further specifies. public.

To summarize, the French should expect See more soldiers roaming around frequented places, such as train stations, airports and tourist areas. Schools and places of worship will also be more closely monitored. The contents of the bags may be submitted for approval. a check, whether to enter a shopping center, a museum, a school or even a church. Call messages & vigilance goes &agrav; again to be distributed en masse. Posters and voice messages calling à remaining on guard should therefore become part of the daily lives of the French in the coming weeks.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116