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Attacked by Tigers players, victim testifies: “denounce”

Nicolas Daigle, on the left, and Massimo Siciliano, on the right, admitted their guilt to the charges, at the Quebec courthouse

  • Yannick Bergeron (View profile)Yannick Bergeron

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The victim of ex-Victoriaville Tigres players Nicolas Daigle and Massimo Siciliano found himself face to face with his attackers at the Quebec courthouse, Monday.

The young woman, who cannot be identified under a publication ban, testified at the hearings aimed at determining the sentence of the two hockey players who attacked her in June 2021. Nicolas Daigle also spoke, saying he lives in shame and regret after having mourned his career as a professional hockey player.

I am here to encourage people to denounce, despite everything that entails.

A quote from Extract from the testimony of the victim

17 years old and vulnerable, she compared herself to an ideal sardine for their fish net.

She had agreed to join Nicolas Daigle at his hotel room, insisting to be alone with him. But when she arrived, she found herself face to face with her two attackers.

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With their team, the two young men celebrated after winning the grand final of the Quebec Major Junior League, a few hours earlier at the Videotron Center.

I fell into a trap, says the victim, who subsequently felt guilty, believing that&# x27;she shouldn't have been there.

It's not my fault. I was the victim of sexual assault.

A quote from Excerpt from the victim's testimony

The crime had many consequences for her, including having to go through the entire legal process, which both defendants stretched out by choosing to plead guilty at the last minute, on the day of the trial.

After months of living in anguish, she felt angry.

At that moment, I felt a second time that these people had exercised control over me , she told the judge.

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Nicolas Daigle and Massimo Siciliano (Archive photo)

The young woman had a thought for the family and loved ones of her two attackers, who also had to experience upheaval.

But above all, she repeats that denunciation is important to respect oneself as an individual.

Judge Thomas Jacques highlighted his courage at the end of his testimony.

She left the courtroom, taking a quick glance at her two attackers, seated side by side in the first row of the room.

At 21, Nicolas Daigle hoped to find himself on a professional hockey team rather than in the dock.

He testified about the mourning he had to make of his career, having obtained an invitation to the Anaheim Ducks camp, an invitation which was canceled after his indictment in October 2021.

I live with a lot of shame and regret, he assures. He sincerely apologized to the victim for his thoughtless and totally inappropriate action.

It's not his fault. It's entirely my responsibility.

A quote from Nicolas Daigle, ex-Tigers player and accused

The young man's lawyer submitted his report cards to show his excellent academic record.

She l& #x27;also asked about the trophies and honors he received in the world of hockey for his community involvement.

Me Pénélope Lemay-Provencher has also submitted around fifteen letters from people who praise her client.

In one of them, the general manager of the Tigres, Kevin Cloutier, describes Daigle as a unifying, respectful, highly appreciated and disciplined player.

Nicolas Daigle now works on a farm while pursuing studies in finance.

He says that the events l&# x27;made us think. He has since read two books on the notion of consent, including Un homme, tout simples, by Janette Bertrand.

His victim was right to emphasize how much collateral damage his crime could have caused, even within his family. When the affair came to light, Daigle's sister was bullied at school and had to change schools.

The lawyers have not yet announced their colors as to the sentence that should be imposed.

On the other hand, Me Lemay-Provencher confirmed to Daigle that he was ready to carry out community work and financially compensate the victim.

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Massimo Siciliano (left) is scheduled to testify Tuesday. (Archive photo)

These kinds of offers are usually used to avoid a penalty of&# x27;imprisonment or a sentence to be served in the community.

Sentence submissions will continue on Tuesday. Massimo Siciliano must then testify in turn, as do two experts hired by the hockey players to evaluate them.

The lawyers will subsequently propose the sentence that they consider reasonable to judge Thomas Jacques, who will have to decide.

The Court of Quebec has scheduled four days of hearing.

  • Yannick Bergeron (View profile)Yannick BergeronFollow
Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116