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Hollywood: the strike is far from over

© Unsplash/Nathan DeFiesta

For several months, Hollywood has been in turmoil. Worse, the film and television industry is in crisis. For five months, thousands of screenwriters went on strike and protested to obtain an increase in the minimum wage or stricter regulations regarding rewrites and corrections. The profits generated by streaming platforms were also at the heart of concerns. Thus, for many months, many films and series were impacted. But good news for everyone: the screenwriters and Hollywood have finally found common ground. Phew!

So, many felt relieved. It's no longer a mess in Hollywood and the future season of your favorite series can resume filming… Nope! Because the screenwriters were not the only ones to strike. And if the giants finally heard their grievances, they did not take everyone into consideration.

Since July, many actors have expressed their dissatisfaction. Represented by the SAG-AFTRA union, the actors are also on strike. If the writers' strike is finally resolved, that of the actors is far from over. Quite the contrary! Unfortunately, the negotiations were suspended, the actors' demands being considered “excessive”.

In Hollywood, actors are still on strike

When we talk about actors, many people imagine big names with astronomical fortunes. But they are the exception. The reality is much more brutal. Even some actors who have been able to play in successful series or films do not have the financial comfort that is allocated to them. Thus, for the first time in 40 years, the actors paused their activity.

Their remuneration is at the heart of the debates. Whether it's supporting roles or actors playing in programs broadcast on streaming platforms like Netflix or Disney+, life is not so rosy. Indeed, certain actors in SVOD series do not receive royalties and only obtain low remuneration… Whether the program is a hit or not.

Thus, the SAG-AFTRA union is demanding a redistribution of income generated by the distribution of a work on streaming platforms as a bonus for team members. A claim which is considered excessive by the AMPTP (the association of cinema and television producers). This would cost producers more than $800 million a year. “This would create an unsustainable economic burden” according to the AMPTP. Figures that the actors' union firmly denies.

SAG-AFTRA also calls for better protection of stakeholders in the face of the advent of artificial intelligence. Regarding a general increase in salaries, the association of film and television producers seems to have offered the same conditions that the screenwriters' union accepted a few days ago.

While negotiations have been suspended, a return to normal is not expected immediately. The actors' union regrets that the industry's CEOs did not want to respond to their latest proposal. Efforts will certainly have to be made on both sides to quickly resolve the situation. But let's keep hope! If an agreement could be reached between Hollywood and the screenwriters, the industry should eventually hear the actors' grievances.

  • The screenwriters' strike is over, but the actors also put their activity on hold
  • Negotiations between the actors and Hollywood were suspended
  • Their demands were considered too excessive

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116