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What is Amazon Kuiper, the new satellite internet offer that threatens Starlink in France ?

© Amazon

Soon, SpaceX's Starlink offering will face a major competitor: Amazon. Indeed, the e-commerce giant has been working on a satellite internet access service comparable to Starlink for several years. And if, for the moment, this service has not been deployed, its development is progressing quickly.

What is Kuiper??

Amazon's Kuiper project works more or less similar to that of Starlink. Indeed, in order to offer high-speed and “affordable” internet access everywhere, Amazon will also rely on a constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit, which ensures low latency. And the project is very ambitious. Indeed, on its site, Amazon indicates that it plans to deploy a total of 3,236 satellites. To ensure the deployment of these satellites, Amazon relies on a multitude of partners.

“Project Kuiper has secured 80 launches with Arianespace, Blue Origin, SpaceX and United Launch Alliance, and we have options for additional launches with Blue Origin, providing sufficient capacity to deploy the majority of our satellite constellation”, indicates the tech giant.

A beta version in sight ?

In November, Amazon announced the validation of the technologies that will be used to provide the connection via Kuiper Project satellites. Specifically, the company sent two prototype satellites into space and claimed a 100% success rate during these tests. “All major systems and subsystems on board both prototypes, from the flight computers and solar panels to our propulsion system and radio frequency (RF) communications payload ) advanced, demonstrated nominal or better performance after launch”, Amazon had indicated. During these tests, the Amazon teams were able to demonstrate: playing a 4K video in streaming, and video calling.

The next step , for Amazon, will launch a beta version towards the end of the year, once it has enough satellites in space. And in fact, the e-commerce giant recently shared some information on the production of the satellites which will form its constellation. “At full capacity, the factory will allow the Kuiper project to build up to five satellites per day”, the company explained. Amazon's publication also indicates that the first production satellite will be finalized this summer. And the company still plans to launch its new service next year.

Amazon is already targeting France

In any case, the launch of Kuiper in France is already on the agenda. Indeed, we learn from an article on the L'Informed site that Amazon has already obtained the green light from Arcep for three satellites connected to two earth stations. Quoted by the media, Amazon also said it was happy to have obtained these authorizations, which brings it closer to its objective of “connecting customers and territories across the country”. Furthermore, the Kuiper project has already started its recruitment in France.

  • Amazon is working on a Starlink competitor called “ Kuiper project”, beta testing of which should begin this year
  • The development of this project is progressing rapidly and the new service should debut in 2025< /li>
  • Like Starlink, Amazon's Kuiper project will rely on satellites in low Earth orbit and the company plans to deploy more than 3,000 of them in space
  • In France, the Kuiper project is also taking its first steps, since Amazon has just obtained authorization from Arcep, while recruitment has already begun

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116